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Treo 600 is Great but does it do Entertainment?

I absolutely love my Treo 600 which I've now had for a little under a year and judging by PalmOne's stock rise of some 350% in the past six months so do investors.  So what is it about this gadget that makes it so cool and why do I think that PalmOne could be doing so much better with it.

First it's a great phone (OK a bit bulky perhaps) and the ability to synch all my contacts/calendar/etc. with Outlook is fantastic.  The email and SMS functionalities are also some of the best that I've come across.

Secondly it's a great business tool.  I've already mentioned Outlook synchronisation but there are also literally thousands of other productivity software out there to help the business professional.  Just visit Handango or PalmGear (which lists 3,320 biz apps!) and you'll get an idea.

Thirdly and most importantly for this discussion it's a great entertainment device.  Among others, you can:

  • listen to music MP3's & stream Internet radio (in the US) via for example pTunes' deluxe version ($27.95) which can stream shoutcast stations and works brilliantly! [via A VC] (not yet Real's Rhapsody[I stand corrected, Real's service is not yet available on the Treo but since it is on other mobile phones let's hope that it will be available shortly...]
  • record any audio such as a memo, your kid, a concert or a meeting with tools such as Personal Audio Recorder or SoundRec or best still use mVoice which is my favourite to date (Thanks Jonathan)
  • watch movies & videos using Kinoma, Firepad, TealMovie or MMPlayer software (after some trials and errors I managed to convert one of my DVD's to Divx and from there convert it to a Kinoma movie to fit a 256MB SD Card - yes the screen resolution of 160x160 is poor but it works as a proof of concept),
  • stream TV and other programs with services such as Sprint's MobiTV, [Errata... Treo 600 not yet supported... You can email the company though and put some pressure on them to get working on it pronto... (Thanks Dutch)]
  • take pictures using the built-in camera and make short videos using a software called MovieRec,
  • even use it as a webcam with this software
  • carry with you and watch your entire picture collection and show it to family, friends, colleagues - the Treo becomes a 'photo viewer' with tools such as Resco's and once resized I've managed to put over 1,000 pictures on a 32MB SD card
  • you can read ebooks of all sorts while on the move buying them from places such as eReader or for free from Project Gutenberg and also listen to audio books from Audible (I will shortly write a comprehensive review on eBooks and eReaders as I've become fascinated by these)
  • [added 16.07] if you are motivated to read on your Treo (I'm starting to get the hang of it) then you can also check out an offline web browser called plucker
  • [added 12.07] just discovered that you can also use your Treo as a mobile RSS newsreader but you'll need to install two more pieces of software here and here or just this one HandRSS (my favourite) or mNews (Thanks Jonathan)
  • [added 14.07] now I found out that you can also do some moblogging (mobile blogging) while on the move using this nifty little software called HBlogger (and it's free...)
  • [added 15.07] in order to keep in permanent contact with your online buddies via instant messaging you'll also be able to use AOL for Treo 600 or VeriChat which will allow you to communicate across all major IM networks like Yahoo, ICQ, MSN and AIM simultaneously
  • I can even use my Treo as a universal remote control for my television and stereo using a software called OmniRemote
  • and finally you can also play games of all kinds from traditional ones such as backgammon to newer space shooters such as Zap!2016 and the maddeningly addictive Monsta

Basically, as a mini 'computer' you can pretty much replicate all the functionalities of your PC on this little handheld device and with the ability to perform all of the above entertainment activities the Treo 600 'should' be considered the uber-portable digital entertainment convergence device.  So much has been said about the iPod but can it do all of this?  I didn't think so...

Unfortunately PalmOne is not yet up to this task because 1) I'm not sure that the company is really looking at this as the $500 price tag means that [added 15.07] the Treo 600 is primarily positioned at business people and 2) the overall 'system' (see my rule below) to deliver entertainment content to the Treo is _extremely_ complex which currently limits its appeal to a wider audience. [Please note that in the UK wireless operator Orange offers the Treo 600 to its users for some $200 with a 12 month contract and this does not appear to have had a massive impact on sales so the issue of marketing and positioning remains a valid one.]

PalmOne please use my rule, "The overall use of a system is directly proportional to the ease-of-use of that system" or more simply stated "High complexity = Low Customer Acquisition".  Also note that by 'system' we refer to a complete business system and not simply a hardware or software solution.  It is the ease-of-use of the overall business system that needs to be addressed within the context of a complete consumer experience.  This forms the basis of a customer-centric versus a product-centric organisation.

For example, there are a number of really stupid things that reduce the 'out-of-the-box' appeal of the Treo as an entertainment device:

  • There are no stereo headphones and the jack on the phone is 2.5mm instead of the standard 3.5mm which means that you'll need to either buy an (extremely ugly looking) adapter for $9.99 or a new set of headphones for $19.99.  Considering that the manufacturing cost of the first is probably $0.10 and $0.50 for the second it's obvious that Palm was looking to make an extra buck here but it is doing this at the expense of increased Treo sales which is plain dumb.
  • Palm will offer you a free copy of a program called pTunes to play your MP3's but only _after_ you've completed your installation and registration - yet another barrier for consumers to climb.
  • There is no simple way to transfer files between your PC and the Treo's external SD card because it doesn't appear as a drive on your PC or Mac.  You'll have to either buy a card reader (another barrier...) or a piece of software made by Softick called Card Export II (works great but adds another $14.95 to the equation).
  • Palm doesn't introduce you to movies or videos in any way and judging by the effect that I had when I first demoed a movie trailer on my Treo to friends this is something that they could have leveraged to their advantage (just notice all the PR that the mention of a video iPod and the forthcoming Portable Media Players are receiving...)
  • Then there's also the low screen resolution of 160x160 which makes it less than appealing for movies (but this will be remedied in the forthcoming Treo 610 to be released in the coming months).
  • Lastly there's the economic equation.  Aside from pTunes and one game there are no applications pre-installed on your Treo nor does Palm have an 'entertainment suite' which you could easily access as a bundle.  This means that you will have to find and purchase every single one of the above entertainment solutions individually.  Now, can someone honestly tell me how many people will have the patience, time and money to do this?

The above are just a few examples to illustrate how little thought has been given to the Treo 600 overall as an entertainment device.  I hope that the team at PalmOne will come to realise the many opportunities that digital entertainment convergence offers them and start working to make this as simple and convenient to use as possible.  My bet is that if PalmOne could get this part right they could expect to be selling multiples more than the 150,000 Treos it sold in the last quarter.

If you know someone at Palm then please point them to this article or if your company is working on a digital entertainment convergence product or service and you would like to learn more about how I can participate in your efforts to exploit the opportunities that it offers please drop me an email.

[added 15.07] Thank you all for your helpful email contributions and for your fantastically enthusiastic response to this article and the bloguide - we're truly overwhelmed by your kind support.  We are reviewing all of your recommendations and suggestions and expect to have a follow-up article within the next couple of days.  Thanks again!

Posted by Andrew on July 11, 2004 at 09:53 AM

Treo 600 Software

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by Jonathan Greene | Jul 12, 2004 7:32:08 PM

Nice piece... agree with you on the use of the Treo, but think actually other Palm devices make better Multimedia units like the T3 and whatever comes next based on a faster processor, more internal memory and much much better screen. I have both and love them... though now that I've added the Treo to the mix, I can really see how each kills the other in different areas -- perhaps the Treo Ace/610 will improve things (though it will still be less capable than a T3 in processor and memory if the rumors are true)

I'd also add mNews as a great RSS reader and Pocket-DVD Studio for Palm as a way to convert DVD to SD cards...

by SH | Jul 15, 2004 9:22:10 AM

There are no stereo headphones and the jack on the phone is 2.5mm instead of the standard 3.5mm which means that you'll need to either buy an (extremely ugly looking) adapter for $9.99 or a new set of headphones for $19.99. Considering that the manufacturing cost of the first is probably $0.10 and $0.50 for the second it's obvious that Palm was looking to make an extra buck here but it is doing this at the expense of increased Treo sales which is plain dumb.

You logic is faulty. Handspring (now Pa1m) has always considered the device to be PHONE first. Since pretty much all handsfree headsets use a 2.5mm jack, you can easily see their decision.
Importance: Phone > MP3 player

by andrewc | Jul 15, 2004 3:15:20 PM

I'm sorry, I was apparently not clear on this issue.

I am less critical of Palm's decision to use a 2.5mm jack than that of _not_ including a stereo headset for this jack.

Had they included one in the Treo 600 package this would therefore not have been an issue.

Also, Palm does not under any circumstances see this device as _just_ a phone. As they have repeatedly pointed out they expect nothing less than for their smartphones to become the computers of the future.

by serge | Jul 16, 2004 11:39:24 AM

whatever you do, dont get the seidio behind the neck headset. I just got it two days ago. I experienced no problems hearing or being heard with it however, i found the microphone was too far away and would have perferred a boom style mic. I found for mp3s the sound quality sucked. noticable distortion and poor range. they were also uncomfortable, but that may be just me. my free headphones from my iriver mp3-cd player are 10 times better. for almost almost $50 I expected much better. i'm just going to return them and just get the adapter.

by K-Master | Jul 24, 2004 2:31:40 AM

Oh Yeah!, thats really cool, oh yeah!

by Hemanth | Jul 26, 2004 11:44:39 PM

I've kept off buying the Treo 600 primarily cos I use Notepad and it doesnt come installed in the Treo. I was wondering if others were facing the same problem, or if there is a solution to it..

by michael | Jul 27, 2004 8:03:36 PM

well i am going to go bye the treo600 but i am sorry to say this but i realy dont understand your comments does it have a MP3 player and does it have a video recorder cause i no everything else it does but not sure exactly about those 2 things so please someone e-mail me ASAP regarding this issue [email protected]

by hoovman | Jul 31, 2004 12:14:18 AM

1. My Treo came with Notepad, I think they all do.

2.you say: "There is no simple way to transfer files between your PC and the Treo's external SD card because it doesn't appear as a drive on your PC or Mac."
My HP pavillion laptop running Windows XP reads my Treo card just fine. In fact I don't sync new apps, I just transfer via the card.

by Ronn | Aug 1, 2004 7:49:31 PM

The phone is great for storing and organizing high volumes of contacts and taking notes while on the phone. I gotta say the sound quality on just about everything - mp3s, regular phone, speaker, movies etxc is really bad..very low-mid frequencies that make having normal conversation, let alone listening to music, very unenjoyable. It would also be nice if it automatically uploaded new contacts and dates via internet like the blackberry. I'm not too much into games, I figured if I click these buttons too much that would just throw away my 500 bucks right down the tubes. The thing came with a nice protector, too bad it doesn't have a belt clip - I mean really, 500 bucks plus $150 phone bill, how about a clip?
All I have to say about the internet is that it is cool...or rather, it WILL be cool as soon as people start making alternate pages for mobile hand devices soon.
And one other thing, anyone else having a quirk when two people call at once or when you try calling out when someone else is calling in? Screen goes blanc for a minute? Thats a pain in the butt. Other than that its a good phone;)

by Willy | Aug 8, 2004 6:33:53 PM

The TREO 600 is a good start, but it could go alot further. It has a lot good features, but again it could be even better.

Question: Why did palm stop short with product why not add all of the bells and whistles the first time.

I will be waiting for the next version before I buy.

by Pcguy760 | Sep 5, 2004 3:14:36 PM

My bro has the Treo 600 - its easy to use but I must add that personally I think the screen resolution really sucks somewhat and the refresh rate of the screen is kinda low. But then I guess because it is the cheaper STN Screen and not the more expensive TFT Screen, that's what makes it that way. Maybe the Treo650 would have a TFT Screen, NOW THAT would be REALLY nice!

Also, if you are planning on playing Mp3s and stuff, note that the sound quality would not be great but just about average or less.

Otherwise it is an amazing device and the full keyboard rocks!

by Jason | Sep 21, 2004 11:04:49 AM

I returned the Treo 600 2 days after I bought it. Why you ask, because it SUCKED! Not only was it a pain in the ass to find out what it could actually do, it was even more a pain to find software for it, not to mention the price tag on the software. Had it been able to play mp3s or mpegs off the bat it would have rocked. Ater spending $500 on a phone who wants to drop another $100 on software that may work. The camera on it was worse than my web cam from 1999 and the internet option was pointless because it couldnt view 90% of the websites I tried. Sigh, other then that im sure it was a good phone, as you can see I had my hopes up over this phone...

by Rab | May 8, 2005 12:52:24 AM

Could you please update this 'Entertainment Blog' to reflect the Treo 650 and the numerous revisions and new software out there now. I want a clean URL to direct people to so I can use your great info to convert them to the Treo experience!

best regards!

by Jeff | May 19, 2005 12:10:19 PM

I went to get Hand/RSS and ran into this note:
"Please note: We have discontinued Handheld Headlines/RSS, and now are supporting Quick News for Palm OS. Registered Hand/RSS for Palm OS users can upgrade to Quick News for free simply by downloading it and entering in your Hand/RSS registration code."

Is this new or upgraded software? Though I consider myself smart :-) I find RSS to be confusing to get my arms around.

by Tai JC Pham | Dec 11, 2005 10:27:08 PM

Please help me... For some reasons, my handset speaker is no longer working... The back speaker and headset working fine... please HELP ME

by Musicman0929 | May 9, 2006 10:59:17 AM

does the 600/650 OR 700 have voice recognition and dictation??

by first aid kits | Mar 20, 2011 5:44:00 AM

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by low energy pc | Mar 27, 2011 2:30:11 AM

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by Dissertation Help | Apr 3, 2011 5:19:46 AM

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