Treo 600 Music Quest: The Market Appears to be Ready
According to a recent InStat-MDR survey (via TheFeature) over 10% of mobile subscribers are now interested or very interested in listening to music or streaming music/radio on their mobile phones and the Treo 600 is a perfect platform to experience this. [InStat could have added that some people may even be interested to have their phone become their car radio as a recent Mobitopia post pointed out.]
While we're on the subject of music, I really thought that I should bring up an idea that I have been thinking about for some time and which Photo Matt recently wrote about that I think is a superb (if perhaps somewhat impractical) idea. Essentially the suggestion is that if you buy an album on iTunes or another digital music store that you also get a hard copy of the CD shipped to you (or vice-versa, buy it at Tower Records and get the MP3 download version as a bonus for free!).
Take this one step further and you wonder why this is not being used to promote the faster adoption of eBooks (which as I've stated before I'm beginning to find addictive) by allowing you to purchase a digital copy of a book like 'The American Prophecies' for $1.00 if you purchase the hard-copy for example.
You must consider that the implications of this go well beyond just music and could impact the entire transition from physical to digital entertainment products. Why for example could we not buy a DVD of say the Star Wars Trilogy and then for a small additional fee (or subscription) get a Palm version to watch on our Treo 600 or a Portable Media Player.
Projecting into the future where we can watch movies on our television, mobile phone, laptop, desktop, portable media player, portable games device and probably countless others that don't yet exist, will we really buy a movie that can only be played on one device? Of course not, once it's digital we should be able to easily choose which device we want to play any digital media on without tedious restrictions of file compatibility or other. This is the same reason that people are unlikely to buy two copies of the same movie but one on DVD and the other on VHS - now really what would be the point of that?! If consumer and computer electronics companies want to increase the sale of their devices they need to sort out the digital content equation first.
Yes, I agree with you, what a wondrous mess this whole digital convergence is likely to be... but eventually smart entrepreneurs will come and provide us all with a great solution and we'll be able to finally enjoy our music, movies, games, etc. anytime, anywhere and on any device we want.
You can listen to music on your Treo 600 with programs such as Pocket Tunes (that integrates superbly with WMP and allows you to listen to Shoutcast radio wirelessly with the Deluxe version) and AeroPlayer (who have just released version 5.0 in beta).
I like your information.
Can you reffer to information on how to download music to treo 600 ?
I can't seem to download PDF attachments from my emails. It keeps showing an error message. Any ideas why and is there a fix.
I bought my Treo 600 for a friend, and he didn´t gave me any software, I want to know were I can download the treo 600 software to my PC and also how to download music from my PC to my phone, I have the wires, but I don´t know how, I think it is with the software I don´t have. Any option will be helpful.
Thanks from Lima-Peru
Problem is STRIP crashes on a Treo 650 if you click Generate Password
i just bought a treo 600 and i already have pocket tunes and all of that on the phone i just want to know how do you upload music from your computer?
I would like to download music and word files to my 600 but don't know how. It's a great machine but seems hard to use. can anyone please help?
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