Treo 600 Webviewer Review: WOW!

Tried the WebViewer browser. I came away with very mixed feelings. When it worked, it was at least 2x - 3x faster then Blazer. However, it would hang up loading graphics (and require soft reset) at least 50% of the time. In addition, it doesn't seem to support the Treo's 'Favorites' or hotkeys. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. As it stands, it seems like a powerful, but crude app; and needs more development and integration before it is worth the cost.
PJA is posting the beta of a similar browser by Xiino ( Seems to suffer from the same problems as the, fast, fast - BUT causes soft resets, doesn't use existing Blazer favorites, and doesn't have as much functionality.
Peter, for this particular type of application I am more than willing to put up with some of these issues and Webviewer has served me extremely well.
You see, on the one hand I have to pay for my wireless data service by the MB and on the other I am not interested in 'pretty pictures' I just want to be able to access the online information that I'm after as quickly as possible (the wireless web on my Treo is slow enough as it is!!!)
Cheers, A.
i installed the midi2 required to run this and it made my whole treo crash. seems like a headache to me.
I am finally playing around with Xiino which is amazingly quick, but requires that I remove the SD card in order to run it or I get resets. Personally I have not been a fan of the java based apps I've tried on Palm and now with the Treo I would have to buy it which is a silly requirement when you consider that there are free environments available on basically every other computing platform. I may give WebViewer a shot one day, but for now I have to try and get to the real bottom of what is bogging down Xiino. There's a "fix" with the SD card but it involves backing it up to PC, erasing it, running Xiino and then moving things back. Yuck.
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