OMG!!! Treo 650 Ace Pictures are Here!!! [NOW FULL SIZE]
The forthcoming Treo 650 (Ace) has now finally been photographed and made public - well sort of as there's still no official PalmOne release for it...
FRONT: Dedicated call buttons (left/right). Voice Record Button?
BACK: Digital Camera (1.3MP but no flash...) is now also Digital Video Recorder? OMG... what is that... a removeable battery!? Is that a lens cover?
Wassup with the keyboard and the change of key shapes?!?! The keys on the Treo 600 are UNIQUE which translates into competitive advantage (it's a defining signature of the Treo line) - change for change sake is just dumb design... bring back the old keys please (albeit with backlighting)... at the very least keep the overall shape and flatten them if you want P1...
Totally Different Keyboard Backlighting System: Now this is wicked cool!!! + Looks like our screens will be centered now!
TOP: Bigger IR window... what's that about? SIM card slot... What does it mean for CDMA? ++NEW That slot is _much_ bigger than a standard SD card slot... is there some new card standard in the making? Please G, let it be a 4GB card of some sort... for $250...
BOTTOM: Houston... we have a bigger port...
Casing is great! Please don't release it in charcoal... Same footprint as Treo 600...
I wonder what that second side button is... some are saying PTT (Push-to-Talk)... That would be cool...
So, what will we be getting with our super dupy new Treo 650? Well, some things we had a clue about from this earlier image release:
Some things we didn't know about and are currently still just 'rumours':
- Totally Different Keyboard Backlighting System
- Video Recording Built In
- 1.3 MP Camera
- EvDO or EDGE...
- Voice Dialling
- WiFi
There's also some angry news for current Treo 600 users in that there's (as the originator of these picts described on the treocentral forum) going to be a "TOTAL INCOMPATIBILITY WITH ALL ACCESSORIES. They simply will not work... not any... not even one (save universal headsets) Cradles... chargers... not gonna work... Pocket Keyboard? Also no."
Am I the only one familiar with a company called Dell who learned long ago that both consumers and businesses welcome the flexibility to have multiple interchangeable parts between devices (read COMPATIBILITY) and that this translates into higher sales (anybody study network economics?)
More as soon as we get a minute! Will be updating about every 15 minutes until we exhaust all information...
[All original images via treocentral forum Thanks Michael!]
[Sprint PPT Slide via pdaPhoneHome forum]
[Large retouched photograph via Engadget]
[Images are also mirrored here]
Have you had any other sightings of the Treo 650? Please let us know in the comments area below or drop us an email... Cheers!
FLASH! First ever "treonauts Gold Award" goes to WeeBitObsessed for his outstanding contribution to all fellow treonauts for releasing the first images of the Treo 650. Congratulations!
UPDATE: For those of you that don't yet own a Treo 600 (get one now!) or if you're thinking of buying a Treo 650 when it is released and you would like to learn more about the amazing phone, business and entertainment capabilities of the Treo line I strongly recommend that you read one of our most popular earlier posts.
- Full side by side comparison pictures between Treo 650 and 600
- Treo 600 & 650: Side-by-Side Specifications
- Treo 650 Design Survey: Your Vote on the Modifications
My fav company that learned that compatability in accesories is a good thing is nokia.. I can take a charger from a crusty old 5100 and use it on every nokia I've come across.
that's the kind of things more phone companies need to figure out.
(note.. posting https URL's is not allowed.. haha)
Couldn't agree more with you... had Nokia's for ten years before switching to Treo and I kept using every single Nokia accessory... makes a _huge_ difference when you think of TCO and TCE (Total Consumer Experience).
Cheers, A.
No charcoal? I don't know about that one. I have the Sprint (charcoal) 600, and would take it over the silver model any day. It's just plain better looking, more dramatic and a lot more masculine. Of course, being from New Jersey, my definition of masculine is taking a beating nowadays, courtesy of my confused Governor. C'est l'amour?
Sony Ericsson (and Ericsson before the joint venture) has also been using the same connectors on all its phones forever. Agreed - it's a good thing.
Wait till you see the new connector scheme on the upcoming Tungsten Angus unit. The Universal connector is history and palmOne is going to piss lots of folks off.
I don't think the fact that it has a sim card slot means anything. This is the same color as the Treo 600 GSM model, so you'd assume the CDMA version would not have it and that it would probably also be Charcoal. Who knows though, right? Personally I never got onto the whole "Plastic painted silver is cool" trend. It just looks cheap and tacky to me. I didn't mind black that much honestly. Since the first leak about the new treo came from a Sprint presentation, I feel fairly confident we can expect a CDMA version with sprint.
Sometimes connectors have to be changed. A lot of phones used an old connector that took up half the bottom of the phone. Now most phones use a smaller power outlet and a larger outlook for synching. It does seem like they switch too much. I can't think of any reason why PalmOne would have needed to switch outlets, unless they are just trying to get the Treo's in line with the pilot plugs?
These companies (as well as all you) should be using bluetooth for everything. Get a p910.
It's missing one key bit of functionality....
MP3 player.
I'd gladly trade the camera functionality for the ability to store and play MP3's so I only have to carry *one* gadget with me.
I use my current T600 to play MP3's, is there some reason why one would think this one wouldn't? Just download Pocket Tunes (for Palm OS) and you're off and running...
Gigs, it is an MP3 player. It's a Palm OS 5 device, meaning you can load up as many MP3s as you want on an SD card and play them in one of several MP3 player apps written for the OS. Total convergence
MP3: On top of this consider that you can now find 1GB SD cards for your Treo 600 for as low as $100-$150... You can fit enough MP3's on that not to get bored listening to the same stuff twice in a day...
Cheers, A.
It'll play MP3's? Great! What kind of quality sound does the T600 have?
1Gbyte? That's so 2004. Let's talk 2 Terabytes:
I wish the big guys would throw a little guy a bone!
I am respectfully requesting one week advanced sale rights to one new Sprint/
Palm/Sanyo/Samsung/Nokia Product.
Hook a brotha up!
just got my treo GSM/Att. I have30 day trial on unit.Also bought charger cradle. If 650 is more than a rumor, I'll return mine and wait
Flat keys? Faster? Cool! It is slowly getting up to the standards of my ex-PDA, a Tungsten C. Going from the C to the Treo 600 I really find I hate the klunky non-flat keys. I also miss the performance. Except for that I really love the gadget. A pity I just bought the 600. Then again, I don't think Verizon supports anything that is Bluetooth.
Changing the connector is just plain stupid! It really upsets me that every time I upgrade my Palm (Personal - Pro - III - IIIx - Tungsten T - Treo600) I have to buy all new accessories. It is the dumbest thing about Palm as a hardware company. Not to mention all of the software that I have bought that was never updated to new operating systems.
And having the memory card stick out of the top... That is the only design flaw of the Treo600, that and the worthless camera. I would rather have Bluetooth.
Ugh! I could understand needing to change the connector design in a revolutionary new design, but this design is evolutionary - hell, it's the same form factor. Now you've screwed all your 600 owners, since all the new accessories won't work. Or you can upgrade to the 650, and buy all new accessories. Retarded.
the old connector had its limitations. for example, if using the external keyboard you had to explicitly turn on the driver. and if the driver was on, the IR didn't work. hopefully they've addressed that stuff.
The ucard format has a maximum (potential)storage capacity of 2TB, as does the MemoryStick Pro. There is no indication from the report and referring report that the ucard released will be 2TB.
Hate to break it to ya, but the Charcoal version looks 10x better. Especially when you use a Russel case.
I'm happy for the new PalmOne-standard connector. That makes it possible to reuse my UltraThin keyboard I now use for My Tungstn T :-)
dying to know if it will have built-in voice dial
disappointed to see that they changed the connectors from the 600, 'cause that means that IF it has a car kit, it will probably have to be different from the one they just developed...
The change in buttons' shape on the keyboard doesn't bother me, but the change in positioning from straight rows to arched rows THRILLS me. The TREO 600 has changed the way I do business, but to really take the next step, entering information needs to be easier. My thumbs simply have a hard time getting to the buttons in a straight line. This is a major advance.
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