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PalmOne & Treo 600 go to the Movies

Talk about 'product placement'!  A Palm Tungsten becomes a key protagonist in the movie 'The Little Black Book' being released across cinemas August 6th.

IMDB has this summary about the movie's plot:

"Stacy Holt (Murphy), an associate producer for a daytime talk show, is confounded by her boyfriend Derek's (Livingston) unwillingness to talk about his previous relationships. Egged on by her co-worker Barb (Hunter), Stacy sneaks a look at his Palm Pilot, scores the names and numbers of his ex-girlfriends, and sets up interviews with them -- all in an effort to get closer to her man. Her plan starts to unravel, however, when she becomes friends with one of the women."

Had this movie been released a few months later, the Treo 600 would undoubtedly have taken the 'leading role' but as the it had not yet been released at the time of shooting they went for the next best thing...

Here's a bigger section of the movie release's poster:

The caption should read something like: "Is that a Palm Tungsten in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"...

You can visit the official Sony Pictures website for the movie or PalmOne's 'The Little Black Book' website where you can view the trailer, download the trailer sized for your Treo 600 and also get a free MP3 song by Carly Simon as well as to take part in a free sweepstakes for the opportunity to win the Grand Prize below (+ other prizes):

Grand Prize
• 1 Trip for Two to the premiere of a future Revolutions Studios movie
• 2 Zire™ 72 handhelds from palmOne with customized Little Black Book cases
• 2 autographed copies of the new Reflections, Carly Simon's Greatest Hits CD

I have to admit that I'm really impressed by how well PalmOne has put all of this stuff together... maybe they are taking entertainment on the Treo 600 seriously after all...

Posted by Andrew on August 5, 2004 at 03:19 PM

Treo 600

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