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SnapperMail 2.0 Released

I've been a beta tester on SnappperMail 2.0 for a long time. I honestly can't even tell you when it started it's been quite a while and I've been generally pleased with the product. SnapperMail is much like a traditional email client. It offers multiple POP3 accounts, can send through different accounts than which you may have received messages and offers robust attachment support. I've used both the POP3 and IMAP access to both send and receive attachments and have to say it's great - just like you would expect it to be on any email client.

IMAP support is offered only in the Enterprise level of the product which in my opinion comes at a very steep cost at $59.95. The upgrade price is like buying it again, which for me would be $29.98.

In my testing, IMAP works reliably as does POP3, but POP3 is infinitely faster. If you leave your Palm in your pocket checking mail on a set schedule (say every 30 min), you might not notice, but watching and waiting for the job to get done is totally brutal. There is initial time to connect, delivery time and then clean up time which can actually take a few minutes per mailbox you are keeping in sync! Watching this over a few minutes is incredibly frustrating.

This difference is something I can't live with easily as a solution and since I rely on IMAP for email management it becomes challenging to be satisfied when I know there are other options that very quickly (seemingly instantly) deliver mail to you.

That said, SnapperMail is an excellent, richly featured mail client with a great user interface that is very 5-way navigator friendly for Treo 600 and Tungsten users. Full screen, HI-Res support is enabled for T3 users as well. Like most things, email software is very personal. There are choices to be made and options to be weighed. If you are only using POP3 access, I think you'll be quite satisfied with SnapperMail.

This post contributed by Jonathan Greene.


Posted by atmasphere on August 26, 2004 at 05:32 AM

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