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Treo 600 Starts Birthday 'Card' Chase...

Aside from today being my birthday, I promise you that I've had absolutely nothing to do with the following story...

Saturday, 31st July 2004
I receive an SMS message on my Treo 600 from my brother who is in on holiday in Switzerland visiting my Dad with his girlfriend.  Message reads: "Your birthday present is on Google... Type in 'happy birthday andrew'."  I'm thinking, whaaaaat!?!?

As directed I type my message in Google and this is what appears in the 'Sponsored Links' section:

I'm thinking... My family bought me a freakin' Google search ad for my birthday!?  That's it, we're doomed... All gone completely and utterly bonkers...

I follow the sponsored link which takes me to this blog page where an audio greeting is waiting for me...

I recover from laughing my head off and almost wetting my pants...

Beging thinking about suitable reply and... of course!... I'll blog one!

Blog's done.

Send SMS message back to my brother: "Glad to see that you haven't lost your sharp sense of humour!  My reply is waiting for you on the blog..."

Thanks guys, you really, really made my day!!!  Wish you were here in London... 
Love, Andrew

Now if this is not an example of 'digital convergence' I really don't know what constitutes one... Also, please note that because of some technical issues I could not post this earlier as should have been...

Posted by Andrew on August 1, 2004 at 01:23 PM

Treo 600

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by Leah | Aug 26, 2004 1:42:26 PM

gosh, that is SOOOOO cute :)

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