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Treo PC & TV: The Race is On

A recent article from BBC News describes how an ambitious project is under way to find a means to send TV broadcast signals to mobiles by 2010 - so we'll still have to wait a while for that one...

However, perhaps more importantly, this article has prompted me to think (my mind works in mysterious ways I know) of what I believe may become the mobile industry's next 'Big Idea' and the future of our beloved Treo 600...

Imagine this scenario:

1. A 17" Bluetooth+WiFi enabled LCD monitor (or any other monitor)
2. A Bluetooth Keyboard & Mouse
3. Your future Treo Zen with broadband wireless connectivity

No wires, nothing to connect, just place your Treo in proximity (up to 20 feet) to your monitor and you're done - that's your next PC!!! 

Thus the Treo Zen acts as a thin-client and all the actual application processing can be done remotely... You could then do everything you currently do on your PC like watching movies, listening to music, playing games, working (of course), shopping, access information and services and all the countless other things that we currently or in the future will be doing via a digital network.

Now that I hereby reserve all copyrights for this article and idea I hope that I'll soon be able to get a small share of this future business... and share it with all my fellow treonauts!


Posted by Andrew on August 20, 2004 at 11:10 AM

Treo Software | Television

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by Michael Ducker | May 30, 2007 8:03:29 PM

You nailed this one Andrew. Congrats!!

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