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Skype on our Treo: Coming in October!

I have to admit that for the past few weeks I have been extremely jealous of friends and colleagues who own a Pocket PC device because they have been able to play around with Skype for PocketPC.  However, at last it appears that Skype is intent on not leaving Treonauts behind and on Monday announced at DEMOMobile [via PalmAddict] that it would be releasing a Palm OS version next month and so our Treo 600 will now be able to make VoIP calls.

What does it mean?  I have no idea how it will work nor what bandwidth requirements may be but assuming that you have an unlimited data package with your wireless carrier you should be able to make and receive calls from your Treo to any Skype user on a PC, Mac, Treo or connected PDA (Palm and PocketPC) for FREE or make calls to any landline number for 2 cents a minute in 22 countries.  Am I the only one to think Wow!!!?  Ultra cool does not even begin to describe this and I simply cannot wait to get my hands on it.


Posted by Andrew on September 14, 2004 at 05:35 AM

Treo Software | VoIP

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by Chris Scott | Sep 14, 2004 1:30:57 PM

I heard this would require a WiFi card which the Treo can't use so it would only work on the Zire.

by Albert | Sep 14, 2004 4:11:42 PM

I hope that's not the case! I would love to use Skype on my Treo.

by Jay | May 27, 2007 12:00:52 PM

Try Articulation and www.cheapvoip.com works mint on the treo 650 using GPRS and T-Mob

by Jan | Jan 18, 2008 11:00:18 AM

All you need to use skype from a Treo is to go to. www.iskoot.com and download the software via a sms, or download to your computer and then install to your Treo. I have tried it on my Treo 680. And it is working fine.

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