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Treo 600: The Swiss Army Knife of Smart Phones

As you Treonauts know, I have frequently written about the entertainment capabilities of our Treo and complained about how I saw that palmOne was not actively promoting the Treo as a great entertainment device as well as a being a great business and communication one.

Many have pointed out to me that the Treo could be considered the 'Swiss Army Knife of Smart Phones' as each entertainment application may not be the best-in-class but at least Treonauts can carry them ALL on ONE device.  I personally always carry a digital camera alongside my Treo while many others always carry an MP3 player for example.  It is evident however that unless you're prepared to go around with a suitcase full of devices you'll have to settle on just one, two or three at the most.

Here's a short survey intended to shed some light on this issue as well as to provide you and your fellow Treonauts an opportunity to learn more about how we go about using our Treos every day.

Treo Entertainment Survey:  A Bundle of Fun in your Palm
Do you consider your Treo to be a portable entertainment device?


Which of the following entertainment applications have you used on your Treo?

MP3 Music Playback
Streaming Radio
Audible Audiobooks
Other Audio Programs
Movies (Trailers, DVD's, etc.)
Video (Home movie or other recorded program)
Streaming Video
Digital Camera
Digital Video
Digital Photos (View, Slide Show, etc.)
Voice Recording
Web Browsing
Instant Messaging
Moblogging (Text or Photos)
Universal Remote Control

Which of these entertainment applications do you use regularly (daily or weekly)?
MP3 Music Playback
Streaming Radio
Audible Audiobooks
Other Audio Programs
Movies (Trailers, DVD's, etc.)
Video (Home movie or other recorded program)
Streaming Video
Digital Camera
Digital Video
Digital Photos (View, Slide Show, etc.)
Voice Recording
Web Browsing
Instant Messaging
Moblogging (Text or Photos)
Universal Remote Control

Which of these entertainment applications did you _not_ know existed for your Treo?

MP3 Music Playback
Streaming Radio
Audible Audiobooks
Other Audio Programs
Movies (Trailers, DVD's, etc.)
Video (Home movie or other recorded program)
Streaming Video
Digital Camera
Digital Video
Digital Photos (View, Slide Show, etc.)
Voice Recording
Web Browsing
Instant Messaging
Moblogging (Text or Photos)
Universal Remote Control

Do you use any other entertainment applications not listed here?

What entertainment application(s)/service(s) not listed here would you most like to see developed for your Treo?

Aside from the Treo which other entertainment device do you always/most frequently carry with you?

MP3 Player/CD Player/Radio
Digital Camera
Video Camera
Laptop Computer
Portable DVD Player
Tape or Digital Recorder
eBook Reader
Handheld Game Device (GameBoy, etc.)
Portable Media Player (Combined MP3, Video & Photos)

Posted by Andrew on September 24, 2004 at 06:08 AM

Treo 600

| Permalink


by dudemasicus | Sep 24, 2004 2:40:38 PM

I use my Treo quit a bit for moblogging, but as we all know the built-in camera is very poor. But I found this handy little camera that works very well.


It's small and light and cheap... uses 2 AAA batteries... 1.3mp (good for moblogging)... and uses an SD card. Once the shot is captured, I just slip SD card into my Treo and use Snapper to mail it off to my sight...

by free prescriptions | Oct 18, 2004 11:45:08 AM

The camera does kind of suck a little but...it's still kind of fun to document things that go down around you...

by Alfredo Anzola M. | Nov 9, 2004 6:44:48 PM

I live in venezuela. I want a Treo 650. How can I buy a GSM unblocked? Where? Any help will be apreciated. Thanks.

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