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October 2004

Below is a list of Treonauts news & review posts written in October 2004 in chronological order. Simply click the title of the excerpt to view the full post.

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1GB SD Card Price Drops Further...

I believe that this is the lowest price that we've seen to date on Amazon for a 1GB SanDisk SD card which is now only $61.89 after a $15 rebate!!!... For those Treonauts who haven't yet made the leap to...

October 22, 2004 | Comments (2) |


Treo 650 Snippet: The right way around this time...

As all Treonauts will know by now there are but a few days left before the official 'unveiling' of our long awaited Treo 650 this coming Monday. In the meantime however we plan to continue our detective work and in...

October 21, 2004 | Comments (3) |


A Winning Treonaut Lifestyle

PalmSource recently ran a contest around the theme "How has Palm OS improved you life?" and I am extremely glad to report that among over a thousand submissions Peter Arts - who you will know as a frequent contributor on...

October 19, 2004 | Comments (1) |


Treo 650 'Official' Release!?

I have to admit that I am somewhat at a loss to figure out what is going on. InternetNews.com has just posted an article that basically makes the release of the Treo 650 'official' as it is Greg Shirai, director...

October 18, 2004 | Comments (10) |


Detective Treonauts: Another Treo 650 Sighting

Yet another sighting of the Treo 650 on the official palmOne website. Although this page does not have a direct link from anywhere within palmOne's website, a resourceful Treonaut changed the last three digits of an existing page for the...

October 17, 2004 | Comments (3) |


Vaja: Quite Possibly the Best Treo Case in the World

[Update (Oct. 06): Please note that this review dates back to 2004 and only applies to the discontinued Treo 600. You can see all the latest Treo cases in our Treo Accessory Shop as well as my latest favourite list...

October 15, 2004 | Comments (7) |


How To: iPodder to your Treo

If you've somehow missed the latest rage in RSS syndication, it's called iPodder and it's a new way to automatically download enclosures (Podcasts in iPodder parlance) and have them import into iTunes. It's like Tivo but for iTunes. It's very...

October 14, 2004 | Comments (8) |


The Treo Family Challenge

There were a lot of projections (as opposed to predictions) made at the PalmSource conference two weeks ago which got me thinking about exactly how challenging it might be for palmOne, PalmSource and other PalmOS licensees to garner a significant...

October 13, 2004 | Comments (0) |


Treo Family is Great & they do Entertainment!

There's been a lot of talk here and elsewhere about how great or not great the Treo 650 is going to be and I thought that it might be worthwhile revisiting one of our most popular posts which describes a...

October 12, 2004 | Comments (1) |


Four New Exclusive Pictures of the Treo 650!!!

Treonauts are happy to bring you for the third time running the latest (exclusive this time) pictures of the Treo 650. Ain't she a beauty glowing like this in the dark!!! To those who have held one in their hands...

October 11, 2004 | Comments (21) |



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