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A bit of Treonauting...

Today, my Treo 600 acted as my Seeing-Eye Dog.

I have a bad cold, and didn't want to give it to my wife or baby girl...so, I slept in the Den (no prob: BIG, feather-pillow sofa!).  However, I was groggy, had to go to an early meeting in NYC, and had never gone via train from my new home.

1. Big Clock wakes me up
2. KS Datebook reminds me its time to leave for my NJ Transit Train to Hoboken
3. On the train, I listen to music on PocketTunes Deluxe, and consult a map of the PATH train network, which is saved as a web-page in Blazer
4. Still listening to music, I use Tube NYC Pro, to figure out which subway routes to take to my meeting, once I leave the PATH
5. While waiting for the meeting to start, I use SnapperMail to fetch, review and answer personal and work eMails
6. During the meeting, I use KS Datebook, KS ToDo & QuickWord (with the help of my folding keyboard) to enter important data into my Treo
7. Have to give a presentation. Use QuickPoint to view my slides without having to turn around and look at the screen behind me
8. During a break, I use Pickem to take this picture of Radio City Music Hall, across the street. The image really reflects my mood: the MS meeting is superimposed (via window reflection) onto the image of the Music Hall. I HAD to be responsible, and stay at the meeting. HOWEVER, what I really wanted to do was to channel my inner Harpo Marx, and chase the Rockettes all over the stage


9. During lunch, some more music, phone calls, eMails.
10. After the meeting, used Tube once more, to navigate safely back to my company's new offices in Downtown NYC
11. Verizon STILL didn't have our phone lines connected...so, I used my Treo for my afternoon cold calls
12. Music on the PATH to Hoboken
13. Music, eMail and lots of web browsing on the train-ride home.
14. My wife called me to order/fetch pizza before driving home from the train station
15. I looked up the number of Coppola's Pizza & dialed it while in TAKEphONE

That's actually a typical day of Treonaut-ing for me...

This post kindly contributed by PJ "sniffles" Arts

Treonauts find solutions to problems people never knew existed...

Posted by Andrew on November 12, 2004 at 11:39 AM

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by ttocS | Nov 13, 2004 4:32:31 PM

Sounds wonderful.
I don't have my Treo yet.
I want to know if this can be done:
In your Trop web browser, go to San Antonio, Tx. radio station at WOAI.com and listen to the Texas Longhorn football game by clicking on the listen to live radio broadcast link.
If I had a Treo, this is what I'd do on Saturdays at work.
Can this be done? Can you do it?
What about listening to NPR radio from the Treo web browser?

by ttocS | Nov 15, 2004 8:46:35 AM

Sorry, that was supposed to be "Treo" browser not "Trop"

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