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Treo Case | Skin your Treo

As we all know personalization and customisation are at the forefront of many of our purchases theses days and Treo Skin Cases continue to be some of the most popular type of Treo cases.  Well some people thought that this choice should be extended to the Treo and a company called SkinIt now offers what they call 'Professional Grade Vinyl' skins in literally hundreds of designs for pretty much every phone, MP3 player and other gadgets available on the market today.

A small sample of its top selling designs below illustrates how you can go from the outright tacky to some rather stylish ones such as the 'metallic' skins in the first and second columns.

At only $7.95 per skin it's not exactly like you couldn't get one just for the fun of it.

Treonauts cherish both their individuality and the community...

Posted by Andrew on November 11, 2004 at 04:05 PM

Treo Accessories , Treo Case

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by Matthew | Mar 26, 2007 3:51:15 PM

Skin It does not offer skins for the Treo 650, although they do support the older 300 and 600 models.

by Greg | Mar 26, 2007 10:45:40 PM

Is there a way to my treo painted a different color

by KC | Aug 10, 2007 3:23:34 PM

Why do you want to paint it and not skin it?

by Zach O | Nov 21, 2007 1:28:34 PM

Anyone find a customized skin shop (like SkinIt) for the 650? I wrote to SkinIt and they said you can't use the 600 skin on the 650 (hey... worth a try - LOL)

I want to customize mine with the company logo.


by becs | Sep 21, 2008 11:10:30 PM

i have the palm 700 anyone know where i can get a skin from?

by tony | Oct 7, 2009 10:06:02 PM

nice designs, i got a skin for my laptop from VideoGame Skins

by tony | Oct 7, 2009 10:07:20 PM

forgot to add the www.videogame-skins.com thats the full url

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