Treo 650 in Europe
Some people really love to write and spread absolute rubbish when it comes to palmOne and the Treo 650.
The first came a few days ago when someone successfully faked pictures supposedly taken by a Treo 650 vs a Treo 600 (I will not even bother to link to it) and promptly attracted thousands of Treonauts and even one website which gave them completely unwarranted credibility.
The latest salvo comes in the form of a NewsWireless article earlier this morning that was then syndicated by sites such as The Register, Engadget and InfoSync. The article in question attempts, among others, to create an 'uproar' because the Treo 650 will only become available in Europe as of February 2005. So what?!?!?!
To anyone with half a business mind it should not come as any surprise that palmOne would decide to focus all of its resources and early stock of the Treo 650 to its single most important market in the US - which still accounts for over 80% of global unit sales. To be frank my expectations were even lower thinking that the Treo 650 would not become available in Europe before March or April of next year - I actually think that February is great!
A comparative example, the Motorola V3 'Razor' which has been available in Europe for many months will only become available in the US by the middle of November...
[via NewsWireless (started the nonsense), The Register (spread the nonsense), Engadget (repeated the nonsense but smartly noted that "we can’t really fault palmOne for not wanting to spread the Treo 650 love globally until next year [because of probable shortages]") and InfoSync (barely mentioned it and intelligently stated that "Given the anticipated demand just in the US [for the Treo 650], that [February release] is not surprising]
Treonauts hate BS...
Sorry but I have to correct you, the RAZR V3 is only available in Europe since two weeks...
Personally I can't understand why in this day of globalization it would take three more months for the 650 to be available here in Europe.
But what I find more disturbing is the way Palm charges so much more for items here than in the US.
A case in point is the Treo 600 which, if purchased from Palm in Europe, cost 799 euros, or over $1000 US!
What are they thinking????
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