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Treo 650: Now Available for Pre-Order!!!

One week ahead of the anticipated official release of the Treo 650 by Sprint, palmOne has begun taking pre-orders on their website for the Sprint version (CDMA) only of the Treo 650.

The advertised price is $449 with a mobile phone plan and $599 without.  Proceeding to pre-order you are given the option to buy a select number of accessories such an extra (now removable) battery for $59.99 but little else worthwhile adding to your cart at this stage.  You can however continue shopping in the full accessories section where you can, for example, now find a hybrid headset/headphones for the Treo 650 (not compatible with the Treo 600...) for $39.99.   A note from palmOne in the checkout process states that they anticipate to ship your Treo 650 within 2-3 weeks.

[EDITED]  Apparently existing Treo 600 owners (but perhaps also other palmOne handheld owners) can receive a free Jabra Bluetooth headset valued at $99.99 if they place their pre-order by calling the company on 1-800-881-7256 and specifically asking for "an upgrade for existing users".  You'll need your existing ESN which can be found on the back of your device to claim this offer.  Also make sure to ask for free overnight shipping.

LATEST UPDATE... palmOne have now enabled their online store to accept the above mentioned free Jabra BT250 Bluetooth headset offer via this dedicated page...

Amazon now also has a dedicated page for the Treo 650 but is not yet showing "Available for Pre-Order".  However a Special Offer of $30 off (bringing the price down to $49.00 versus $99.99 on the palmOne website) on the Jabra FreeSpeak BT250 Bluetooth headset (which I tested on the Treo 650 at CTIA two weeks ago and will review shortly) has already been added.

Treonauts shop smart...

Posted by Andrew on November 8, 2004 at 03:45 PM

Treo 650

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by Shanta | Nov 11, 2004 1:33:30 PM

When are you going to post your BT250 used with the Treo 650? I am curious if it can support the voice tags as under the bluetooth/handsfree preferences, Palmone has already state that voice dialing with a bluetooth headset does not with the Voice Signal software.

by Jamil | Nov 15, 2004 12:01:13 PM

I was wondering if anyone has been able to purchse a 650 in the Metro Detroit area? I am anxious to get my hands on one and give Nextel the boot.

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