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Treo 650 on Sprint: A little while longer...

Well, we tried our best to get Sprint to release their Treo 650 today... but I guess that our powers of persuasion need a little fine tuning and so we'll have to wait just a little longer...

A combination of previously reliable sources had given me a strong indication that Sprint would announce its release today but alas there may have been just an ounce too much of wishful thinking this time and so I stand corrected...

I am not keen to make any other prediction on when the Treo 650 will become available by Sprint but there are strong indications that units have begun shipping to business clients today and that consumer units will begin shipping either next Monday 22nd or one week thereafter on Monday 29th. 

I'm personally leaning towards the 22nd for which date I've reset the countdown...

UPDATE: Om over at GigaOm says that he has "learned that AT&T is going to be making a similar [pre-order] announcement within a couple of days as well" this even though "Sprint has apparently cornered all the [early production] Treo 650's that were made"...

While dedicated, Treonauts are not infallible...

Posted by Andrew on November 15, 2004 at 08:09 PM

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by Jeff Belden | Nov 15, 2004 11:29:27 PM

My local Sprint business rep says the local store (Columbia, MO) won't have the Treo 650 available until early December.

by Tim | Nov 16, 2004 10:38:46 AM

When the 650 ships, does anyone know if it will then be available to purchase at the Sprint store, or did you have to pre-order one?

I'm hoping I can walk into the store the day it's available, feel it in my hand, and buy it then.

I've sold my T3 and am living the interim without a PDA. Life feels a little out of order...

by Tim | Nov 16, 2004 10:39:39 AM

When the 650 ships, does anyone know if it will then be available to purchase at the Sprint store, or did you have to pre-order one?

I'm hoping I can walk into the store the day it's available, feel it in my hand, and buy it then.

I've sold my T3 and am living the interim without a PDA. Life feels a little out of order...

by Jim | Nov 16, 2004 2:06:09 PM

I'm interested in when AT&T/Cingular is coming out with their GSM™/GPRS version...any inside info?

by Steve | Nov 16, 2004 2:53:14 PM

Just received email from Palm One that my 650 will ship the week of 11/22.

by PJ Arts | Nov 16, 2004 10:48:56 PM

This evening, I got calls from no less then 4 Sprint reps telling me that as of tomorrow morning (Wednesday)they will be able to sell me the camera version of the Treo 650. The reason that so many called me, is because I have been driving them crazy to get me the firm date for the past 3 weeks. They're gonna be pissed when they find out that PalmSource is giving me one, and already shipped it.

I have also talked to 3 different Sprint stores in northern NJ, and they all say that they will not have the Treo 650 in the stores until (at least) early December.

by Mike | Nov 16, 2004 11:28:36 PM

I pre-ordered the 650 through palmone and I also received an email today stating that my 650 would ship the week of 11/22.

by Manish Patel | Nov 17, 2004 10:50:56 AM

I have been watching your site everyday along with treocentral.com for the past few months now. I would just like to note that I ordered my treo 650 through sprint telesales 888-253-1315 this morning. The phone will arrive in 2 - 3 business days. Please note this is for business customers only. I get a discount through work so I am labeled a "business" customer. The price of the phone was 599.00 and I get the 150 mail in rebate for the phone upgrade program.

by Eric | Nov 17, 2004 9:06:20 PM

I will have mine tomorrow....ordered today, ships overnight, will have tomorrow(thursday, 18 nov).

Time to update your countdown...

by Marcus Wilson | Nov 17, 2004 9:52:22 PM

I ordered my phone today through Sprint telesales as well. And I wanted to point out that it is not only for business customers. I do think, however, that it's just for existing Sprint customers. If you order the phone before 2PM, you can expect it the next day (if you opt for overnight shipping). If you order it after 2PM, then the phone won't actually ship until the next day, in which case it's probably best to go with the free shipping and handling. You can expect it with 48 hours after that. My phone should be here on Friday.

by Judith | Nov 18, 2004 2:16:21 AM

I am a long time Palm user from the Palm Pilot days and have just discovered this site which is terrific. So I thought I could tap into the great knowledge here and ask for some advice about whether to purchase the 600 from Verizon...or wait. I didn't purchase the Treo 600 when it first came out because I didn't want to switch from Verizon and then when Verizon started selling the Treo-- I knew palmOne was working on the 650 so I waited. Now I am at a loss about what to do since I still don't want to leave Verizon--- should I go ahead and buy the 600--or just stick it out some more because the 650 is so much better....Any advice would be great.

by PJ Arts | Nov 19, 2004 10:54:30 AM

Sprint Marketing set a new standard for ineptitude:

Marketing people are a strange lot: they live in a gossamer 'reality' of their own creation, substituting focus groups and imagination for brick & morter. However, they do generally manage to do the one thing they are really tasked with...making the public aware of new & signifcant offerings from their companies.

...and then, there's SprintPCS Marketing. I know they exist...I've spoken to their voicemail (then again, maybe it was them just beeping at me?). Do they know they exist, or have they gotten lost in their Magic Kingdom of Slogan & Spin? The reason I ask is this: on Monday, Sprint supposedly launched the most significant phone of the year...the Treo 650. Monday and Tuesday, it was only being offered to existing Treo 600 owners, and as of yesterday morning, to all comers. I say 'supposedly launched', because although their telesales people will sell you one (if you call and ask) there's no sign of it anywhere on their website. Not under phones, wireless phones or business wireless phones.

It's been almost a month since p1 formally announced the Treo 650, and the Sprint executives on the podium boasted that they would be the first to offer it to the world...and real soon, too! Is this a new marketing concept "...if you don't advertise it, they will come?" Hmmm, maybe they should get Kevin Costner to be their non-spokesman. Considering the number of people who don't go to his movies, he'd be a perfect fit. I can just see Sprint Marketing following up with a new campaign: "SprintPCS: P(lease) C(all) S(omeone else for a phone)"

by Paul | Nov 19, 2004 6:17:25 PM

I just purchased the 650 from Sprint over the phone and I should have the phone Monday or Tuesday. I had to setup a new account in order to get the $150 rebate- no big deal.

by Peter | Nov 23, 2004 7:35:37 PM

I just received my Treo 650 for Sprint, I ordered it through Palm. It is great. I was using Treo 600, while the 600 was a great phone, the 650 is a lot better. The activation was also very easy and smooth. Now, I just have to find a use for the Treo 600.

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