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December 2004

Below is a list of Treonauts news & review posts written in December 2004 in chronological order. Simply click the title of the excerpt to view the full post.

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Treonauts Tsunami Relief

I can't imagine that there is a single Treonaut who has not been completely shocked by the horrible and devastating news of the Asia Tsunami over the past couple of days. Following this terrible disaster I am sure that many...

December 28, 2004 | Comments (2) |



I discovered a new eBook site today and wanted to pass it along to my fellow Treonauts. Manybooks.net is an easy to browse site where you can find over 10,000 books formated for every kind of reader you can think...

December 22, 2004 | Comments (8) |


Treonauts Lifestyle

There are few occasions where my Treo can shine more than when I travel and my current trip to Paris provides a perfect example. For starters, I use my Treo to call the cab company to schedule a pick-up to...

December 20, 2004 | Comments (4) |


The good within Hard reset

You might already be thinking this is crazy. How can you find good within Hard Reset - the very action that clears my Palm device to the out of box state. I am here to tell you, it's quite possible...

December 17, 2004 | Comments (7) |


The Treo 650 Memory Promise

As the company had promised after the Treo 650 memory debate, palmOne has created a page on their website where all existing 650 owners can redeem a free 128MB SD card (while supplies last). As I had mentioned at the...

December 16, 2004 | Comments (11) |


Treo 650 Goes WiFi!

Thanks to a tip at Engadget, there's a post on TreoCentral which speaks to some success running the PalmOne WiFi Card on a Treo 650 using the Tungsten T5 driver. While we can't yet claim to have run this for...

December 15, 2004 | Comments (1) |


Skweeze Me Please

Following my post on Sunday, the topic of mobile browsing and optimized content for the Treo has been on my mind throughout this week and I have continued to search for better and faster ways to access websites including Treonauts...

December 15, 2004 | Comments (4) |


Treo 600 Tops Handango Phone Download Charts

Every month Handango publishes a list of the bestselling software applications by OS and device. I was thrilled to learn that "for the first time in over a year and a half, a new handset has taken the lead as...

December 14, 2004 | Comments (0) |


Mobdex: Wireless Reading

While it's only in the early stages, Mobdex is great new free service for reading ebooks via your Treo by simply using your Blazer browser (or any other browser on your Treo). The site was developed by Russell Beattie and...

December 13, 2004 | Comments (3) |


Quick Take: Treo 650 Video

I came across this Treo 650 demo video (no need to download it just stream it with your preferred media player) that I found particularly good and which I thought that you might also enjoy. It's fun to see that...

December 13, 2004 | Comments (0) |



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