Mobile Impressions
Almost every day I find another reason to be amazed by how much my Treo empowers me to do. A couple of nights ago I was invited to a dinner and as the conversation turned to books and movies I found myself struggling to remember the author of a book (I knew its title) and the title of a movie (I knew one of its actors). I promptly pulled my Treo out, launched the Blazer browser, opened my bookmarks where I had previously saved the URL's for both and and within two minutes I had the answer to my questions.
I can assure you that this made quite an impression on the other guests and I promptly 'demoed' the many other Treo capabilities - movies, ebooks, email, SMS, audiobooks... Needless to say, by the time I had gone through more than a couple of the features the excitement around the table was palpable and to my delight the comments included things like "Wow!", "Amazing!", "I want one!", "This is so cool!".
I found myself relating this story to Jonathan earlier today who promptly pointed me in the direction of a few more Treo-optimized websites. For starters he forwarded's mobile search page which immediately reduced my load time from about 30 seconds to something that is near instantenous but unfortunately Amazon has not similarly optimized its search results page. As for movies, sadly neither of us could find an optimized page for IMDb. The next link that he gave me was for which I will be grateful for some time to come.
pdaPortal has the most comprehensive list of PDA-friendly web sites (667 in all) that I have yet come across. Additionally it provides you with the ability to create your own personalized mobile portal which can quickly and easily be created on their website for later viewing and where you can also add your own bookmarks instead of using the one built into Blazer. I've now switched my Blazer homepage to pdaPortal which should be an indication of how good I think it is.
Two other Treo-optimized websites well worth bookmarking are and also TreoBits.
Treonauts love to show-off their mobility...
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Is there an optimized version of Treonauts?
Here is my favorite mobile portal:
It has links to news, shopping, and PDA resources, including pdaPortal!
Thanks for the link to, love too!
We also have a Palm site, at
Thanks again!
How do you get the pdaportal onto the Treo? I have them all selected and hotsync but I can't find them.
You don't get it on your Treo... You just go there in Blazer.
I just bought a Jabra JX10 and have a Treo 650 on Telus (Verizon). I experienced similar problems to those described in the comments. I could pair it with the Treo but could not hear any sound except a couple of beeps. The Treo displayed the headsdet icon when dialing and I could redial using the Jabra connect button. I tried soft and hard resets with no luck. Finally, I paired the Jabra and then deleted it from the trusted devices list. I then repaired it and it has been working flawlessly for a week. I find the sound quality to be very good. It is also very comfortable probably because it does not fit snuggly in the ear canal.
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