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Treo 600 Tops Handango Phone Download Charts

Every month Handango publishes a list of the bestselling software applications by OS and device.  I was thrilled to learn that "for the first time in over a year and a half, a new handset has taken the lead as the number one phone adding mobile content. The palmOne Treo 600 topped the list for the first time in its history, indicating a big appetite for applications from customers of the red-hot device".

Considering that Handango's list is compiled on the basis of worldwide downloads where other smartphones such as SonyEricsson's P900 have benefited from much higher unit sales, the news that our Treo 600 has topped the list would seem to be an indication that the 'average' number of applications that Treonauts purchase is multiples higher than those for other devices. 

We'll have to wait and see where the Treo stands next month but I would guesstimate that it will remain at the very top for the foreseeable future.  This whole issue also indirectly brings me back to the memory issue on the Treo 650 for it would now appear obvious that Treonauts are indeed keen to regularly install additional applications on their smartphone.

Read Handango's Yardstick for November 2004

Treonauts like to be at the top...

Posted by Andrew on December 14, 2004 at 09:30 AM

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