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Treonauts Lifestyle

There are few occasions where my Treo can shine more than when I travel and my current trip to Paris provides a perfect example.

For starters, I use my Treo to call the cab company to schedule a pick-up to take me to the Eurostar terminal.  Shortly after I receive an SMS message confirming my reservation and providing me with all the relevant car details.

I access the 'travel checklist' that I created on my Treo to fill my suitcase as I've found that without it may well arrive at my destination having inadvertently 'forgotten' a few small but important items.

On my way to the train station I quickly check and send a couple of emails and then settle back listening to one of my Audible programs.  When I get to the terminal I lookup a memo on my Treo for the reservation code to retrieve my ticket from the automated machine.

A couple more phone calls while waiting in the business lounge, checking my email once the train departs and then reading an eBook for most of the journey.

Funny how I can use my Treo from the start to the end of my trip to access various bits of information and then also spend almost 90% of the actual journey time doing 'something' productive or entertaining on my Treo...

Treonauts love to travel...

Posted by Andrew on December 20, 2004 at 07:21 PM

Treo Opinion

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by Tim | Dec 21, 2004 12:04:42 PM

This may be off subject, but I have to say that Kinoma producer/player and the 650 is a total joy. I have a 1GB SD card and I can carry 3-4 DVD movies on my device at any time. The quality of the video on the screen is amazing. It looks so good. I was thinking of buying a portbale DVD player, but with a little conversion system worked out (Handbrake to rip the DVD, Producer to optimize it for mpeg-4), I can save my money. The audio is really good too. A couple of years ago I never thought I'd be able to watch the entire Star Wars Trilogy on my handheld (and actually enjoy it!)

by Tim | Dec 21, 2004 12:04:42 PM

This may be off subject, but I have to say that Kinoma producer/player and the 650 is a total joy. I have a 1GB SD card and I can carry 3-4 DVD movies on my device at any time. The quality of the video on the screen is amazing. It looks so good. I was thinking of buying a portbale DVD player, but with a little conversion system worked out (Handbrake to rip the DVD, Producer to optimize it for mpeg-4), I can save my money. The audio is really good too. A couple of years ago I never thought I'd be able to watch the entire Star Wars Trilogy on my handheld (and actually enjoy it!)

by Loic | Dec 21, 2004 2:16:53 PM

The camera is not really good is it ? Ah by the way check this http://www.socialtext.net/loicwiki/index.cgi?les_coulisses_du_blog_2_blogs_et_entreprise

by Berisman | Dec 29, 2004 6:15:32 AM

I love reading the way you use your Treo on your travel.The photo is nice. Now, I am just waiting to grab Treo650 as soon as it landed on my shore.

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