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It's (Not Really) Here...

Go figure... I can't (yet) show you more pictures of the Treo 650 GSM (which are already all over the place) and then a moment ago I get a newsletter from the palmOne Business Solutions Team inviting me to the next Webinar which itself has a picture of one... 

Anyways, like many I have taken this on a very light hearted note (it is actually extremely amusing after all) and as I said I hope to very soon be able to share more of my (great) Treo 650 GSM experiences with you.

[I forgot... you can register for this Webinar here.]

Treonauts are sometimes confused...

Posted by Andrew on January 20, 2005 at 05:13 PM

Treo 650

| Permalink


by cpaDave | Jan 20, 2005 6:04:07 PM

Can anyone attend? What is the URL?

by Levi Wallach | Jan 21, 2005 9:34:12 AM

Andrew, my hunch and expectation is that this is extremely unlikely, but I thought I'd ask anyway. Do you think there's any chance that the GSM models will actually add a bit of memory to fix the situation with the new file system?

by Andrew | Jan 21, 2005 9:57:44 AM


Yes, like you I believe that we won't see a physical memory increase. Instead, at some point in the future, there will be a software solution that will be provided as palmOne had promised.

Cheers, A.

by Gean | Jan 21, 2005 10:00:52 AM

Hi Andrew,

I'm in Canada and here we have just TREO 600. I'm planning to buy one, but I'm waiting to the 650. DO you have any ideas when this model will arrive here?


by Andrew | Jan 21, 2005 1:47:22 PM

Hi Gean,

I don't unfortunately but an educated guess would be that the Treo 650 will be released in Canada at roughly the same time as in Europe - end of February or March.

Cheers, A.

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