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Killed by Treo

After the resurfacing of the BenQ P50 last week and some people labelling it as the best bet for a "Treo Killer", I was very glad to read how this notion was thoroughly debunked by Engadget a few days ago.

Aside from the estimated $800 street price and a commercial release that has now been pushed back to Q2 or even Q3, Engadget are swift to note that "even when the phone does arrive it'll have been in development so long that it'll already be obsolete when it debuts".

Given the fact that we've already given the P50 way too much credence, it was about time that someone came out and chopped its keyboard off... while at the same time reaffirming that our Treo was top dog (but we already knew that).

So Over the BenQ P50 [Engadget]

Treonauts can only stand to be in 1st place...

Posted by Andrew on January 19, 2005 at 05:08 PM

Treo Killers?

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by Kurt | Jan 19, 2005 5:40:06 PM

I like it. :-) Keep up the good work.

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