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Quick Tip: Treo Calendar Alarm

Here's something that may seem obvious but it took me literally ages to figure out how to set up an 'automatic' Calendar Alarm for every one of my appointments...

What set me out looking for this is that when I input a new Calendar appointment/event on my Treo I typically only write down the name of the person, the company or the location and don't bother to add anything else.  However, without selecting the 'Details' of the appointment I could not setup an alarm for it.  I found the 3-click process (select Details, then Alarm and then OK) to be tedious and I wished that every one of my appointments could automatically be setup with a 15 minutes pre-event alarm with no click at all.

Looking in the Calendar Preferences I couldn't find anything and checking the Sound Preferences didn't seem to be a 'logical' place to find it so I didn't even bother...  It was much later and by complete coincidence that I found out that the Sound Preferences is actually the place where I should have looked.

There are two options to access the Sound Preferences.  You can open your Calendar then select Options or alternatively open the Prefs and select Sound (Treo 600) or Sound & Alerts (Treo 650).  Once there select Calendar in the pull-down, then Tones and at the bottom tick the box for Alarm Preset adding your preferred pre-event alarm timing (I chose 15 minutes).

Once you've done this you're all set and every appointment/event that you input in Calendar thereafter will automatically alert you XX minutes before.


Treonauts learn something new every day...

Posted by Andrew on January 23, 2005 at 04:31 PM

Treo Tips - PalmOS

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by Kurt | Jan 24, 2005 10:37:33 AM

Took me forever to find this as well. I remember it being in a much better place on earlier palms. Oh well. Such is, ahem, progress.

by william | Mar 28, 2005 8:33:54 PM

i would say this is an excellent tip

by Tommy Treo | Feb 11, 2006 6:28:04 PM

THANK YOU THANK THANK YOU ANDREW...You're a lifesaver... I don't how a smart company like Palm oversaw this really important usability accessing feature. Yeah I agree previous versions kept this in account.

Anyway it took me forever and I was totally frustrated when thanks to another smart company like Google I happened upon your post.. ;)

Makes me wonder if "I'm" really all that smart after all.

by jeremy | Mar 22, 2006 2:03:23 PM

Another bow of thanks -- just got my T650 and was looking for this option (which I had on my previous palm). Very helpful; thanks for posting this!

by Mike | May 30, 2006 5:36:29 PM

Thanks! Very happy to have my default alarm time back!

by M. C- | Jun 13, 2006 12:18:02 AM

you are my hero. this was driving me absolutely apesh_t.

by Krellan | Dec 12, 2006 2:34:43 AM

Thanks for the tip! I remember this being in Calendar's Preferences before.

The pop-up help of Calendar Preferences even talks about the options there, even though they don't exist anymore! It was silly of Palm to move these options in the first place, and even more so to forget to update their help text!

This is on a Palm 680.

by Kurt | Dec 14, 2006 12:10:21 AM

This was *very* helpful, as I was looking to eliminate the automatically placed alarm on my unlocked GSM 680. While the "Alarm Preset" line doesn't appear, it does have "default alarm" - and setting that to "none" eliminates the automatic appearance of the alarm.

by TBG | Jan 10, 2007 8:25:53 PM

I just upgraded to the 700p and the Sounds & Alerts preference pane no longer contains the "Play Sound" option to set the number of times the alarm rings each time.

Does anyone know if I can do this on my 700p?

by EY | Mar 21, 2007 5:35:58 PM

This is helpful, but on my Treo 680, I used to like to have it remind me 24 hours before an event, and can't seem to get it to work like that.

Any suggestions?

by EY | Mar 21, 2007 5:42:29 PM


On my Sound & Alerts Screen, I only have the option to turn the "Default Alarm" on to 0 Min, 5, 10, 15, 30, or 1 hour. Gone is the ability to enter your own number or pick days.

Any help?

by RCG | Dec 18, 2007 5:14:08 PM

For the last several months, I have had an alarm going off at 3:00pm daily, yet I can find no evidence of an alarm set in any program or alarm function. Any ideas?

by Lee | May 20, 2008 11:09:49 AM

Another word of great thanks to Andrew. I have been looking for a way to turn the default event alarm OFF since I got my Treo more than a year ago.

I'de searched and searched. Finally today I hit on the right combination of search phrases and got this page -- problem solved!

by Katie | Sep 21, 2008 3:39:47 PM

Thank you! Got here from a Google search and got my alarm defaulted to "none" in less than 30 seconds. Took me longer to write this post. =)

by msmouse | Oct 13, 2008 2:20:56 AM

Thank you very much, really!

by Jens Rasmussen | Oct 20, 2008 3:30:16 PM

Thx, gr8

by thanks | Mar 26, 2009 9:43:25 AM

thank you!!!!!!!!!!! this was very, very helpful!!!

by Tom | Apr 22, 2009 1:30:58 PM

This was incredibly useful, it was annoying me forever and I couldn't figure it out. Thanks a lot!!!

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