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Stocks on the Go

After looking for a simple but complete stock monitoring application for a number of months I finally came across one that I really like - Stock Manager ($24.95) by Tiny Stocks. 

Stock Manager (SM) is an excellent, clean, simple and very powerful tool to remotely access stock information on our Treo.  You can monitor up to 15 portfolios with an unlimited number of individual stocks (each in multiple currencies) and across every major stock market in the world.  The screenshots below are but a few to illustrate the extensive capabilities of Stock Manager:

1. Above I've already created a basic 'stock watch' of 5 stocks which appears in the 'home' screen of SM.  The downloaded stock data are delayed quotes (20 minutes) and the third column allows you to view your stock performance by $Profit, %Profit, Profit Per Annum, Cost, Current Value, %Fee, Buy Price, Daily Change, %Daily Change and Daily Gain/Loss.
2. Adding a new stock is extremely simple.  You simply select 'New' in the home screen and then a) select the portfolio that you want to add this new stock to; b) write the name of your stock; c) enter its symbol and select the stock market where it trades; c) enter the purchasing date for this stock; d) the price paid for this stock; e) the number of shares purchased; and finally f) any fee(s) associated with the purchase of this stock.
3. After you have updated SM at least once, historical data for this stock will automatically be downloaded to your Treo.  In the case above, you can see palmOne's main data for the trading day as well as basic 52 week high and low.

4. The 'Stock Calculator' allows you to track the values of multiple purchases of the same stock.
5. You can also add Notes for your stock.
6. From the first day that you add a stock and every time that you update SM thereafter it will add data to populate a stock chart which provides (not shown) date, price, low, high and volume information.

7. Finally, you can also set alerts for each of your stocks.  In this case I've set one to alert me if palmOne's stock goes below $25 per share.
8. Selecting the 'Pie Chart' icon on the home screen will show you the performance of your selected portfolio (in this case the default Nasdaq) and provide you with three views - chart, pie or line.  Here in the chart view, the big red line is palmOne's gain since February 2004.  You will also note that there are three small boxes on the bottom right marked C, V and P that denotes Cost, Value and Profit respectively and the view is automatically updated each time you select either of these.
9. The pie chart here illustrates the proportion of total profit from those shares that have shown a positive return - in this case only two of my five selected stocks have had a positive return and from this view you can clearly see that palmOne accounts for the bulk of the profit.

While I consider Stock Manager to be the very best solution in its category there are a few things that I believe could be improved.  After speaking with Tiny Stocks' founder last week he acknowledged that Stock Manager was not fully Treo-optimized (key things are lack of full 5-way support for navigation across tabs as well as not having an automatic stock update at specified intervals) but he assured me that the next version of his software would have the necessary enhancements to make it a 100% Treo application.

In the meantime I'm really glad to have finally found such a useful application - one which will now permanently reside on my Treo.

You can learn more about Stock Manager at the Tiny Stocks website and also download a trial version to take it for a spin yourself.

(For full disclosure please note that I do not own either palmOne or PalmSource stock.)

Treonauts love the freedom to access data on the go...

Posted by Andrew on January 11, 2005 at 08:03 PM

Treo Software | Finance

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by Zaxxon | Jan 12, 2005 9:10:20 AM

There is also StockBroker by JabeSoft which already supports Treo 5-way and Auto-Updates.

by marjone | Nov 19, 2010 1:32:01 AM

Hi,I believe could be improved. After speaking with Tiny Stocks' founder last week he acknowledged that Stock Manager was not fully Treo-optimized (key things are lack of full 5-way support for navigation across tabs as well as not having an automatic stock update at specified intervals) but he assured me that the next version of his software would have the necessary enhancements to make it.
Best Stocks

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