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Winning Blackjack

Although games do not take center stage on my Treo they are nonetheless a welcome bonus during idle moments and I like to keep a collection of 'classics' at hand such as cards, dice, word and board games of various kinds.

After some thorough 'idle time testing', I recently added Eric's Blackjack to my permanent collection.

Eric's Blackjack ($12.95) by Sniderware is one of the most elegantly designed card games that I've come across with superb graphics, animation, sounds as well as customizable play features that has repeatedly had me glued (sometimes hours on end) trying to recoup my losses (as opposed to counting my winnings...).

The layout is simple and straightforward with the croupier position at the top of the screen and your own hand at the bottom while the center section will display a banner for play messages as well as statistics.

A new table opens with $1,000 in chips but you can add to this in $100 or $500 increments.  Playing chips are available in $100, $25, $5 and $1 and the maximum bet is set at $500.  I particularly like the 'Casino Options' which among others allow you to select the number of decks (between 1 and 8) as well as the 'depth' to shuffle (from 30% to 70%) - where various combinations make for significantly different Blackjack 'strategies'.

Each hand provides you with the option to Double, Hit or Stand and also to Split up to two times with pairs.  Accessing each of these options is made easy thanks to full 5-Way nav button support which also makes Eric's Blackjack particularly attractive for playback on my Treo.

Probably the only feature request that I would have for Eric's Blackjack would be the ability to add one or two 'virtual' players as being the only one losing repeatedly against the croupier can at times prove somewhat demoralizing even if I am only playing with virtual dollars...

On another note, I am still looking for that perfect Chess and Backgammon application so please let me know if you happen to have found one that you like.

Treonauts like to make the most of their idle time...

Posted by Andrew on January 29, 2005 at 02:57 PM

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by Steve Maughan | Jan 29, 2005 7:52:30 PM

The best Chess program is HIARCS - very strong and excellent feature set. Go to www.hiarcs.com for more info

by Stand Alone, Inc. | Jan 30, 2005 4:09:26 PM

Our just released Nevada Casino package includes a great Blackjack game, letting you play along with up to three 'imaginary' players (so you can spread the losses around) or up to four hands, all by yourself. We've got card counting and hints, to make you a better player. As for Backgammon, our Backgammon Pro game is one of the (if not THE) strongest players you'll find, either on a handheld or a desktop machine.

Check 'em out, there are free 30-day demos of both!


by Andrew H | Feb 1, 2005 1:14:44 AM

Thanks, Ben. Very cool apps. They look incredible, and that is by far the best backgammon program I have used so far. Prices are very reasonable as well. And no, I am not being paid to say this!

by Gilles-Laurent Rayssac | Feb 1, 2005 5:45:38 AM

I discover your blog by the french newspaper Le Monde (sory for my bad english).
I'd know why, in France, we can't buy the Treo 650 and why the Treo 600 is so expensive (from 699 to 799 euros - more or less 900 / 1050 $) than the 650 - 499 / 599 $ on the palmone store ?
I have a litte problem with my Treo 600 : the SMS don't work correctly (it's blocked after the reception of each new SMS ! and I've to reinit or wait for 5/6 minutes because it's "transfering messages from the phone card"). Did you already hear this problem ?
Thanks for your answer.


by John Markert | Feb 1, 2005 3:40:01 PM

A great Backgammon game is from HandMark. Go to www.handmark.com These are the same people that offer the wonderful "Express" service.

by interesting poker | Feb 15, 2005 11:06:45 AM

interesting poker http://interesting_poker.freeonlinepokerroom.net interesting poker

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