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3GSM - 01 - A Day Full of Phones

My day at the conference hadn't even started that I was already holding the first 'alien' phone in my hands.  Below is the Siemens SK65 which sports a very interesting and quite functional swivel keyboard.  A very well designed and elegant phone that also includes built-in Blackberry Connect.  The screen though absolutely sucks.

Below I had a chance encounter with what is apparently the world's smallest and lightest 2.5G phone which weighs only 45 grams and is manufactured by a Korean company called Newgen.

A UK based design group called PDD had two 'concept phones' on display.  One ultrathin that reminds me of the new candy bar style RAZR that I saw last week.  The second demonstrates a 'display via glasses' using (presumably) Bluetooth or similar technology.

Another concept design by PDD seen circulating on the web last week.  This one sports a rotating display which turns as you flip the phone open.  I'm still not convinced about the usability of this but it was neat to see something entirely new.

Lastly, I couldn't help but wonder at this 'stick' phone from a Chinese company called Haier.  I wouldn't mind having a home phone with this form factor.

Treonauts enjoy seeing what the aliens are up to...

Our 3GSM coverage is made possible thanks to the kind support of MMPlayer, SplashData and Pocket Tunes.

Posted by Andrew on February 14, 2005 at 11:42 AM

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by Can | Feb 14, 2005 1:02:14 PM

That Concept PDD looks really sweet.. Any Specs on that?

by Infosecgeek | Feb 14, 2005 1:10:02 PM

Thats the SK65.... Unfortunately state side we get screwed again....

by gshalom | Feb 14, 2005 3:47:55 PM

You could have a phone with the form factor of the Chinese company Haier phone for your home .... Bang & Olufsen has one....but it's pricey and a bit larger.

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