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Sprint Treo 650 and Treo 600 $100 Free Software Offer (Update: Now Cancelled!?!?)

Sprint is offering all active customers with either a Treo 650 or Treo 600 a free $100 online gift certificate that can be redeemed at their Handango powered software store.  This is an absolutely terrific offer and one that has surprisingly not been widely advertised.

The Sprint software store offers 87 of the best and most popular applications for your Treo smartphone and existing or prospective Sprint customers will undoubtedly find many to add to their free basket.

This offer effectively brings the cost a new Sprint Treo 650 down to only $349 after taking into account a $150 service credit with a new service activation and 2 year contract.  For people currently considering the purchase of their Treo 650 this will certainly prove to be a very appealing offering while existing Sprint Treonauts will now be lucky enough to benefit from $100 worth of new free applications.

Sprint haven't yet come clean with the disabled DUN on the Treo 650 but they've certainly gone up a notch or two in our book with this offer.  I wonder what other carriers or even palmOne are waiting to offer similar promotions...

via TreoCentral Forum [Thanks omalley73]
Sprint $100 Gift Certificate Validation [Sprint/Handango Store]
Sprint $100 Gift Certificate Redemption [Sprint/Handango Store]
Sprint Treo 650 [palmOne Store]

IMPORTANT UPDATE: I absolutely cannot believe this.  Overnight Sprint have changed their free software promotion from being offered to ALL their customers to now only being offered to their BUSINESS customers.  I only wish that I had a screenshot of yesterday's page to show you that it clearly DID NOT state this.  Sprint have undoubtedly now gone down a further 10 notches and are well and truly underground after pulling this one.

UPDATE 2: Thanks to wingetj for providing me with a screenshot of the original Sprint validation page dated 24 Feb.  As you'll note, there's absolutely no mention whatsoever of the need to be a 'business' customer to benefit from this offer.

Also read midmofan's comment below where among others he states that:

It was quickly discovered that you could enter ANY phone number [on Sprint's validation page] and get a cert.  You could also enter multiple numbers to just click one number over and over to get multiple certs.  Some people apparently had thousands of dollars in certificates.  On top of that it was pretty easy to use the certificates on ANY Handango product, not just the 87 titles [listed on Sprint's redemption page].

I guess that incompetence runs high in certain companies...

Treonauts like great free offers...

Posted by Andrew on February 25, 2005 at 09:23 AM

Wireless Carriers

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by Tim | Feb 25, 2005 10:00:08 AM

Unfortunately, you have to have activated your phone on or after 1/16/05 to be eligible. I got my Treo back at the end of November, so apparently I'm not.

by cpryce | Feb 25, 2005 10:16:11 AM

Yeah...the whole "on or after" thing kinda mystifies me. Not that they're putting that kind of stipulation on it, but what's the reasoning behind that date? I hear the usual cries of foul from us early adopters....

by Andrew | Feb 25, 2005 10:16:14 AM


Apparently other users have reported that they have successfully received their gift certificate even when they had purchased their Treo 600 or 650 as far back as a year ago.

Please try filling out your details on the validation page and let me know the results.

Cheers, A.

by Derek | Feb 26, 2005 9:00:27 AM

This is only, as stated clearly, for Sprint BUSINESS customers.

by midmofan | Feb 26, 2005 12:18:48 PM

For the first couple of days the promotion was up, there was no restriction on either the web page or in the TOC as to WHEN you had to have purchased your phone. There is a copy of the origanal TOC in one of the TreoCentral threads.

Once word got out, it was quickly discovered that you could enter ANY phone number and get a cert. You could also enter multiple numbers to just click one number over and over to get multiple certs. Some people apparantlt had thousands of dollars in certificates. On top of that it was pretty easy to use the ceetificates on ANY handigo product, not just th 87 titles.

At that point the site was shut down for a while and when it came back up, there was the 1/16 restriction, plus, for many, the old certs. no longer worked and it was hard to get new certs. BUT there were still a bunch of holes in the system.

Now it looks like they changed it again. Big screw-up by someone in how they set this up. Also too bad that because some folks got greedy and carried away, that may have shut down a great offer to everyone.

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