Treo 650 GPS Solutions
I have received a number of emails asking me to recommend GPS solutions for the Treo 650 but I have not yet had the opportunity to fully evaluate the units that I have.
[Update Nov 06: I have now had _plenty_ of time to review a great many GPS solutions and my highest recommendations are for the new Palm GPS Navigator 2 ($299.95) and the TomTom Navigator 5 GPS Bundle ($249.95). You can read more about my many experiences with Treo GPS navigation solutions.]
In the meantime however, TwelveBlackCodeMonkeys has an extraordinarily detailed and interesting post in which they describe their experiences installing and navigating with the TomTom Navigator wireless Bluetooth GPS receiver and comparing it using TomTom's included Navigator mapping application versus Mapopolis' US NavCard for PalmOS.
If you've considered purchasing such a solution for your Treo and been wondering what is required I can strongly recommend that you read their post. Also, if you already own a GPS solution for your Treo I'd be curious to hear of your experiences.
TomTom Navigator vs. Mapopolis US NavCard [TwelveBlackCodeMonkeys]
TomTom Navigator 5 Bluetooth for Palm with Maps for USA and Canada [Treonauts Shop]
UPDATE: I also found this other in-depth review of Mapopolis' NavCard but it is not specific to the Treo.
Mapopolis NavCard for Palm [GPS Passion]
UPDATE2: Now also see my review of three different Treo GPS solutions.
Treonauts love to navigate the world at their fingertips...
Does anyone have a good guess as to when Verizon will have teh 650? I need to switch from Sprint to Verizon but I also want to buy a Treo650.
Sources tell us that Verizon's Treo 650 is slated to be released between the end of March and mid-April.
We'll keep you updated as we hear more on this front.
Cheers, A.
Andrew, is your source at Verizon solid? I heard that they might not even support the Treo 650. Thanks
Regarding GPS solutions for the Treo 650 -
I was at CES and I believe that Tom Tom is planning to release an SD card/Bluetooth receiver GPS package for the 650 with voice directions in early Spring. That would eliminate the the issue of loading all the Tom Tom CD's which TwelveBlackCodeMonkeys discussed in his excellent, detailed review of the TomTom and Mapolpolis systems.
I asked mapopolis about their navcard GPS capable card and the treo 650 (since they don't list the 650 as being compatible). Here is their reply:
The NavCard does work with the Treo 650, but it's
VERY picky about what GPS devices it will work with.
So far we've identified three.
1. Globalsat BT-338 at for $149. This
is our top recommendation.
2. Seidio GPS 2500 handsfree car mount with their
3. iTrek mouse GPS, also from, but my
boss thinks their connector won't endure.
We've found Bluetooth GPS to be troublesome on
the Treo 650 and palmOne LifeDrive. They seem to
need BT devices with stronger BT radios. The
Globalsat has performed flawlessy, but we get
BT connection drops from every previous generation
BT GPS we've tried.
Thank you for your interest in our NavCard for
your Treo 650.
Did you see our Quick Start Guide?
Lamar @ Mapopolis Support
have mapopolis on treo 650 gsm version - updated rom and now find feature crashes the handheld - mapopolis support has no solution to the problem as yet
is it the gps feature or maps, in other words, can you use the map part without GPS successfully? what GPS unit are you using?
mapopolis features all work except find feature - that crashes the hand held - gps works, if you use on map to indicate two points it works - just the find feature.
got so frustrated and no help from mapopolis that I bought the tom tom 5 program - it is much better and faster - and of course does not crash the handheld - it also does not clog up the memory and runs from the sd card. It's a pain to activate but once past that - it's great - tom tom is the way to go
stay far away from the new tomtom and Nav 5 on the treo 650....its plagued full of problems. I read the reviews which all stated what a nightmare installation was on this thing but I figured I'm in the PC field so I would able to figure it out...boy was I wrong...
I just purchased the tomtom nav 5 and the itrek m3. I installed the software by following the install poster. You know 6 big pictures with one liner instructions. It worked the first time with no problems.
I only put the maps i wanted. It found my GPS and it works great. Set up took about 15 minutes. Copying the maps takes a while. I thought it was a easy install, but not very well supported. It even has a contact program that works with the palm contacts. The itrek from semson's site, is a well built compact gps. I can put it any where in my truck ( glove box, under my seat, dash board is best) and it still finds the sattelites. its only been 2 weeks, but i am impressed so far.
Just got my Palm GPS last week. How do i load my contacts? I got the 1G sd memory to load all the maps i cound but each map has a seperate favorits can anyone help. Thanks Frank
I didn't have any problems installing the Tom Tom Navigator 5 software on my Treo 650.
Hey guys
I'm a mac os x user and am having a horrible time here trying to install the tom tom nav 5 to my treo 650. i get the part where it says select the voice, i pick it and it crashes the treo to the reset part. any tips on installing this ??
I just bought the TomTom 5 bundle. I installed with my Mac OS X Tiger and it was very easy. I was up and running in 30 minutes. Adding the maps took a while cause of the amount of data that's being transferred to your treo.
I just drove around the block and it amazed me! The night vision option is really cool.
I will be anxiously waiting to buy the MAPOPOLIS NavCard 3D version as soon as becomes available for my TREO 650. I have tried NavCard on TReo600 and it worked well. I think, if and when, NavCard 3D version becomes available it will definitely beat the TomTom.
I will be very thankful if some body can provide step-by-step instructions to change the computer generated MAPOPOLIS voice promps..
I use the Palm GPS Navigator (which uses TomTom's software, but a palm-labeled bluetooth GPS) with my Treo 650, and I think it's pretty good. Before that I was using a Magellan Sportrak Pro with DirectRoute, which I had to buy for an extra $100 (it came with Streets and Trips.) DirectRoute is copy protected, and a PITA. The software itself was so-so, but I could only get one large city or so in the unit's tiny memory. In general, it blows.
I got a 2GB SD card for my Treo and the Palm GPS Navigator--enough to store all the maps they give you, and then some. It's MUCH better, and I don't even have a lot of extra trash because it uses the phone (pity it can't use the GPS that's already IN the phone...) Torks me off to see services offering to use the GPS in the phone when *I* can't use it. Can't turn it off so the government can't use it either...
I purchased a Treo 650(AT&T/Cingular)from a friend and I do not have the owners manual or any of the documentation that comes with the phone. Where can I learn how to install a couple of games and other applications on this phone? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
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