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Treo 650 Launches with First European Carriers

Following the release of the unlocked Treo 650 GSM yesterday, palmOne has just announced that Orange will be launching the Treo 650 at the beginning of March in the UK, France and Switzerland and that TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile) will do so in Italy.

I have to admit that the news of a 'fairly imminent' launch by Orange comes as a bit of a surprise (but a pleasant one) considering the company's announcement some 10 days ago at 3GSM that the Treo 650 was only slated to be released "sometime in Q2 2005".

palmOne's latest press release states that:

Orange: Treo 650 in UK, France and Switzerland

Following the success of the Treo 600 smartphone, which was one of the most successful Orange phones in its Signature catalogue last year in terms of data usage, the Treo 650 is one of Orange's flagship Talk Now(TM) phones. Customers have instant access to groups of friends or colleagues at the touch of a dedicated button on the side of the phone. As an Orange Signature phone, it also comes equipped with Orange-specific applications, such as Orange Backup (which allows customers to automatically back up Contacts, SIM data, Calendar, Tasks, Memos, Mail and images wirelessly on a remote server) and Orange Download (which enables customers to receive updated software from Orange directly to the phone). palmOne and Orange are supporting the launch of the Treo 650 with a broad range of marketing initiatives, including advertising campaigns.

TIM: Treo 650 in Italy

TIM believes that the mobile workforce needs to be able to perform a broad range of tasks in order to remain competitive and is committed to providing the necessary combination of cutting-edge devices, network capabilities, multimedia and data services to make that possible through its own EDGE Network. Via TIM, Treo 650 users will get access to a series of specific services, including the TIM Downloads application, which lets users receive updated software from TIM directly to their phones.

This is undoubtedly great news for European Treonauts and I can't wait to see what subsidised pricing Orange and TIM will introduce and what type of marketing support they will provide for the launch (please guys do a better job than last time...)

palmOne Launches New Treo 650 Across Europe
Treo 650 Now Available in (most of) Europe

Treonauts welcome their new carriers...

Posted by Andrew on February 25, 2005 at 10:45 AM

Wireless Carriers

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by nico | Feb 26, 2005 10:52:55 AM

Do you think that carriers branded Treos will have any wifi ability blocked by carriers firmware? I'd really like to use wifi someday, and thus I'm wondering whether I should go for an Orange branded Treo or an unlocked one?

by Tony Cooper | Feb 28, 2005 4:24:18 AM

My Cingular 650 has garnered a lot of attention over the past week and a half. Last week in Spain and the past 4 days in the UK. I have demo'd for several people and the excitement is definitely high.

by Leonard Leonard | May 29, 2005 8:21:01 PM

Is there a case that carries the Treo650 plus a place for credit cards and a pen as well. I live in my Treo650 but I always have to carry an extra case for other things. Does anyone make such a case; it would be in great demand.

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