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Treo 650: Still Locked...

As many Treonauts will already be aware, there's a rumor that was started in one of the comments of our "palmOne Raises Unlocked GSM Treo 650 Price!?!?!" post last week.  The comment stated:

I have a report from a customer that this key sequence: *#*#1234#
Will unlock an ATT/Cingular Treo 650. Can anybody confirm?

Another Treonaut then quickly posted this comment on TreoCentral and from there hundreds of people came back here and also began posting it elsewhere.  The rumor was gaining momentum fueled in part by the fact that nobody could actually get it to work.

A few days later Engadget dedicated a post to it although they stated that they also didn't have confirmation that it would work.  Still, this added some more wood to the fire and the rumor continued to spread unabated.

The fact is that this code does not work at all.  As BargainPDA reported earlier today:

The user is instructed to enter *#*#1234# on the Treo's phone console, then press the Call button. The Treo then displays a message saying 'SIM Unlocked'. This procedure, however, does not actually unlock the Treo to use SIM cards from another provider. It is simply the default code for the SIM password lock, and has no effect on the Treo's ability to use networks other than Cingular, or anything else.

I'm sure that someone somewhere is having a laugh on the spread of this rumor.  Eventually though some creative hacker will provide us with the right code.

Comments: palmOne Raises Unlocked GSM Treo 650 Price!?!?!
How to unlock your GSM Treo 650 [Engadget]
False unlock codes for Treo 650 circulating [BargainPDA]

Treonauts are looking for the unlock key...

Posted by Andrew on February 10, 2005 at 05:06 PM

Treo 650

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by enrico | Apr 6, 2005 7:55:06 AM

unlocked treo 650 cingular

by nihal | Apr 20, 2005 1:22:31 PM

i just got a treo 600 from ebay. It is locked however the seller said it is unlocked. I gave it to a phoneshop to unlock it and they did, but my camera doesnt work any more. Can anyone help? Thanks

by Clamorossa | May 9, 2005 12:56:12 PM

Does someone who have a cingular wireless could help me calling them and asking to unlock my treo 650.
If someone could do it, please let me know I will give you the IMEI number of my treo.

Thank you in advance!

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