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All on board with the Treo 650?

Like me you've probably been wondering what buying or upgrading choice Treonauts have recently made.  Since Cingular's Treo 650 GSM has been on the market for a few weeks now I thought that it would be a good opportunity to run a quick poll to view how far along the purchase or upgrade path we've all gone.

Treo 650
Have you purchased a Treo 650 yet?

Yes, upgraded from Treo 600 to Sprint 650
Yes, upgraded from Treo 600 to Cingular 650
Yes, upgraded from Treo 600 to unlocked 650
Yes, purchased new Sprint Treo 650
Yes, purchased new Cingular Treo 650
Yes, purchased new unlocked Treo 650
No but plan to buy/upgrade Sprint Treo 650
No but plan to buy/upgrade Cingular Treo 650
No but plan to buy/upgrade Verizon Treo 650
No but plan to buy/upgrade T-Mobile Treo 650
No but plan to buy unlocked Treo 650
No, plan to stay with Treo 600
Still considering Treo 650 purchase
No, do not plan to buy Treo 650

Treonauts rarely wait too long to make their choices...

Posted by Andrew on March 1, 2005 at 10:40 AM

Treo Surveys & Polls

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by Brian Enigma | Mar 1, 2005 11:53:40 AM

What about those of us that upgraded from an earlier model (270) to a 650?

by Levi | Mar 1, 2005 2:08:10 PM

Andrew, you left out a bunch of options - there are other carriers that offer the Treo 600 including Verizon and T-Mobile. Yes, neither has a branded model of the Treo 650, but I at least bought un unlocked version to work with my T-Mobile account. What might be interesting is to see how many people switched to Sprint in order to get the Sprint version of the phone which came out way before the others. Likewise how many people opted for Cingular and vs. how many for the unlocked and out of those how many were already Cingular customers vs. Tmobile...

by Jonathan Greene | Mar 1, 2005 5:07:29 PM

Where's the option for I ordered an unlocked device in November and Palm and Vienna Channels refuse to ship it to me??

(they are actually starting to get inventory... just not mine)

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