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Chatter Goes POP!

Today marks a serious achievement for Treo email as ChatterEmail now supports POP3! While actually still in beta, it's running very well for me currently with 3 POP3 accounts and 2 IMAP accounts. I have Yahoo and GMail both running in POP and yes that means SSL is fully supported as well since that is required for GMail.

Attachment support is pending so don't expect to go to crazy just yet. That said you can nicely control both the number of messages downloaded, the amount of those messages delivered (in lines) and also control deletion status. The key feature POP3 clients have been missing is the core strength of Chatter and that is the asynchronous nature of how it works. Running asynchronously means your email can be delivered while in the background of other apps and even with the screen fully off. You can sync your accounts on a set interval (30 min by default, but whatever you like) and know your mail will simply be waiting for you to read it. IMAP accounts can stay connected if you like for the full always on experience.

If you've been looking or waiting on features from other POP email clients, Chatter delivers today.

Treonauts love when their email politely arrives...

Posted by atmasphere on March 17, 2005 at 09:00 PM

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by Jean-Paul Horn | Mar 17, 2005 10:25:38 PM

Hey, no Treonauts quote? ;)

Eagerly awaiting the POP3 support. Just registered today (with 12 days trial left) and forgetting about the $80 I put in Snapper :(

by Jonathan Greene | Mar 17, 2005 10:46:40 PM

Quote added...sorry about that!

I think you'll be very happy with Chatter. I used Snapper before it came out and paid to upgrade for Enterprise, but there is simply no comparison in my book. Now that POP is there I can use a single email client for all my accounts and get the same slick experience.

by Jean-Paul Horn | Mar 18, 2005 9:21:14 AM

Thanks .. a good quote indeed!

Already loving every minute of it. Looking into migrating all my email to an IMAP-based host like FuseMail or FastMail (1st preferred) just because the push thing is so cool.

by Winston Graver | Mar 18, 2005 9:25:34 AM

OKay so it sounds good but doesn't POP3 actually download your email onto the TREO? I would rather keep my mail on the server or webmail so that I can access it from other devices... what's the best solution for that scenario... Thanks

by Jonathan Greene | Mar 18, 2005 9:56:00 AM

POP3 will download the message to your Treo (or any mail client) though on a mobile client it typically leaves a copy on the server for when you get back to your main system. When you connect from your computer, it will once again download a fresh unread copy of the message.

IMAP on the other hand, leaves mail on the server unless you specifically decide to move it to a local folder. The really nice thing is that you can keep all the flags for the messages (read / unread / reply) on all systems that connect through IMAP. You can also file messages to folders making life much more simple when you return to your main system. I've found IMAP to be much more efficient for mobile usage. That said, I do have a few POP3 accounts, but only because I cannot get that mail as IMAP - Yahoo and GMail being the main culprits.

by Jnetty | Mar 20, 2005 12:45:13 PM

True “push”, two-way syncing of messages between Treo and IMAP
server (on compatible IMAP servers).

How can you tell if your IMAP server is compatible?

by Jonathan Greene | Mar 20, 2005 3:01:27 PM

I just did a quick check for you and you host SonataWeb seems to do IMAP...


by Jnetty | Mar 20, 2005 9:19:51 PM

Thanks Jonathan Greene, i been playing with chattermail this afternoon and i must its great with IMAP.

I just changed to IMAP this weekend since sonataweb supports it, its such a great thing for the treo to bad outlook sucks at it.

by Jonathan Greene | Mar 20, 2005 10:43:15 PM

Fortunately I don't have to use Outlook at the moment as I work just on Mac. IMAP is great though, there's no going back to POP if you have the choice.

by Federico | Apr 27, 2005 11:35:19 AM

Chatter email has just unveiled a very nice new look on their website www.chatteremail.com, as well as a new stable version v 5.0 of their program. It's really an excellent deal, as you only pay $32.00 once and incur no monthly fees.

by Jonathan Greene | Apr 27, 2005 1:09:15 PM

I've been using the daily betas and the latest release just confirms what I've known all along... Chatter is simply the best email for the Treo. POP and IMAP support is very robust with total control on how you want mail delivered. 1.0.5 was released a few days ago...

by Ed | May 10, 2005 10:44:05 AM

Does Chattermail Kill my battery? How often does it poll? Is it always connected? If so, how is that on battery life? Anyone know the answer to these questions?


by Ed | May 10, 2005 10:44:26 AM

Does Chattermail Kill my battery? How often does it poll? Is it always connected? If so, how is that on battery life? Anyone know the answer to these questions?


by Jonathan Greene | May 10, 2005 10:47:51 AM

Battery life is impacted when you are making a data connection, but I have not found it to be detrimental to my daily use.

You can set the interval for both POP and IMAP or choose to leave certain IMAP mailboxes connected at all times... however you like to work.

by Michael Prachar | May 25, 2005 11:17:18 AM

Push is cool; but how many calls do you miss when the Treo is constantly banging on the IP connection? I already have to be careful when I sync mail that I am not expecting an important call...

by Jonathan Greene | May 25, 2005 10:29:34 PM

I believe the GSM network is more forgiving than CDMA for missing calls when data is active - meaning you actually get the call more times than not.

Incidentally I just received a Blackberry from my employer (TMO 7100) and it pulled email down while I was talking which I am quite sure has never happened on the Treo.

by Jeff Haggerty | Sep 30, 2005 8:14:40 PM

I just downloaded this program and I must say that its great! I didn't know about it until I saw the review at TreoHQ here:


This looks like a new website, but the reviews look good!


by Tony Kumar | Jan 26, 2006 10:43:51 PM

I just downloaded the chatteremail to my palm650,how do I setup imap so that I only have to make chanes to emails on my palm and it does it all on my outlook in office?
Please suggest.

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