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In Search of Treo PIM Heaven Part 2: Calendar

Calendar Overview
The Calendar data entry process typically consists of at least three screens: 1) the main Calendar view; 2) the Event Detail screen and 3) the Set Time and Set Date entry screens.

The main things that I wanted to compare across all of my chosen PIM applications (Agendus, Beyond Contacts, KeySuite and DateBk) was how easy it is to a) create a new appointment for today and b) create a new appointment set at a future date since both of these actions are likely to be those that we'll create most often in our Calendars.

As I mentioned yesterday there are also things that bug me (for a change) about PIMs in general (both PC and handheld ones) and in this case Calendars.  For example, let's say that you have a one hour meeting outside the office scheduled tomorrow at 14.00 and that you know that it will take you at least 30 minutes to get there and another 30 minutes to head back.  Do you set your appointment time at 13.30 and ending at 15.30 even though your meeting only actually starts at 14.00?  Certainly the alternative of entering three appointments (travel to + meeting + travel from) is less than appealing. 

In the same vein, why can't I create time-specific Tasks to be included and displayed within the Calendar list view?  It's a multitude of 'small' things like this which drive me up the wall and that I wish someone would one day spend the time to figure out...

Calendar (Standard Treo PIM)

- Begin typing automatically starts new entry.
- Left/right 5Way quickly navigates to previous/next day

- Detail screen defaults on 'OK' instead of 'Time' adding one unnecessary click
- Cannot view Tasks in Calendar

New Appointment Today
Option 1: Type Title > 5Way/thumb Details button > 5Way/thumb to open Set Time > type/thumb Start Time (eg 16.30) > type/thumb End Time (if required) > 5Way/thumb OK button > 5Way/thumb OK button [Total 6/7 steps]
Option 2: 5Way/thumb New button > type/thumb Start Time > type/thumb End Time (if required) > 5Way/thumb OK > type Title [Total 4/5 steps - 2 Screens]

New Future Appointment
5Way/thumb Go To button > 5Way/thumb Set Date > 5Way/thumb New button > type/thumb Start Time > type/thumb End Time (if required) > 5Way/thumb OK > type Title [Total 6/7 steps - 3 Screens]

Please note that if you select Today as your default opening view you will have to add one step to all of the above.

Calendar (Beyond Contacts)

- All main appointment data entry appears on one screen
- Typing automatically opens Detail screen for new appointment entry

- Painful Set Time data entry, Start and End time formats are complete waste of precious time
- Very poor overall usability optimization

New Appointment Today
Start typing Title > 5Way/thumb to open Set Time > type/thumb Start Time > 5Way/thumb OK > type/thumb End Time (if required) > 5Way/thumb OK > 5Way/thumb OK [Total 5/7 steps - 3 Screens]

New Future Appointment
Start typing Title > 5Way/thumb Start Date > 5Way/thumb to open Set Time > type/thumb Start Time > 5Way/thumb OK > type/thumb End Time (if required) > 5Way/thumb OK > 5Way/thumb OK [Total 7/9 steps - 3/4 Screens]

Calendar (KeySuite)

- Left/right 5Way quickly navigates to previous/next day
- Can view Tasks in Calendar

- Application does not recognize the fact that an empty entry should not be added...
- Appointment time screen does not display 00.00 times but instead 12.00 AM/PM making data entry confusing + no keyboard time entry support

New Appointment Today
Option 1: Type Title > 5Way/thumb Details button > 5Way/thumb Set Time > 5Way/thumb Start Time > 5Way/thumb End Time (if required) > 5Way/thumb OK button > 5Way/thumb OK button [Total 6/7 steps]
Option 2: 5Way/thumb New Appointment button > type/thumb Start Time > type/thumb End Time (if required) > 5Way/thumb OK > type Title [Total 4/5 steps - 2 Screens]

New Future Appointment
5Way/thumb Go To button > 5Way/thumb Set Date > 5Way/thumb New button > type/thumb Start Time > type/thumb End Time (if required) > 5Way/thumb OK > type Title [Total 6/7 steps - 3 Screens]

KeySuite's Calendar processes are identical to the standard Treo PIM but the displays are different.

Calendar (Agendus)

- Easy thumb access to create 'New Meeting' which then directly opens detail screen.
- Single appointment detail screen (albeit somewhat cluttered).
- Selecting appointment automatically opens detail view.
- Easily edit time using timeline (requires stylus though which is not good).
- Link contact details for appointment with extremely useful 'auto-complete and lookup' function.  Then also dial directly from within the detail view (but requires four clicks).
- Free time finder

- Set Time screen is unnecessarily detailed and complex + start and end times do not flow with keyboard entry.
- No easy left/right 5Way support to navigate to previous/next day.
- Still trying to figure out what practical use the Photo section has

New Appointment Today
5Way/thumb New Meeting > type Title > 5Way/thumb Set Time > 5Way/thumb Start Time > 5Way/thumb  End Time (if required) > 5Way/thumb OK [Total 5/6 steps - 2 Screens]

New Future Appointment
5Way/thumb New Meeting > type Title > 5Way/thumb Set Date > 5Way/thumb Set Time > 5Way/thumb Start Time > 5Way/thumb  End Time (if required) > 5Way/thumb OK [Total 6/7 steps - 3 Screens]

Calendar Fields Comparison

Calendar 'Heaven'
Add all of the Pros from the various PIM applications reviewed and then add:

  • Zero stylus requirement!  All the Calendar data entry process is done using a combination of keyboard, thumb and 5Way.
  • Ability to 'Set Time' and 'Set Date' using keyboard numbers only
  • All data entry can be done on one single screen clearly displaying all relevant information
  • Customize views and fields
  • Give me speed!  Make it fast and focus on usability instead of just features.
  • Fix everything that's 'broken' in existing Calendars, think outside the box and innovate!

You can download a trial version or buy any of the PIM applications reviewed here by visiting your Treonauts Software Store.  Also, you can use the promotion code TN15 to get 15% off any purchase made there throughout the month of March.

Treonauts will work to create the perfect 'Calendar'...

Posted by Andrew on March 17, 2005 at 02:05 PM

Treo Software | PIM

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by Antoine/d-roC | Mar 17, 2005 3:58:32 PM

You know, I have been using KS since it has come out on my Z71, TE, and now T5 and didnt even realize that it was that many steps. It was so close to the default PIMs that I didnt care. BC is too much like OL for my tastes. I wish that OL would evolve to KS with your additions added. That would be the nearly perfect PIM.

And dang it, can I get some Today plugins for my Today programs (personally I use Facer but TodayPlus is a good call too) for these that allow me not to have to go into the program to create an appt/task or view the note.

by Dick Leonis | Mar 17, 2005 6:16:43 PM

Good article about the calendar function. I'm wondering if anyone has used ACT for Palm OS on the new 650. I'm thinking of buying one, but I'd like to know if the program works on the 650. Anyone with experience?

Dick Leonis

by GeorgeJ | Mar 17, 2005 7:32:01 PM

I am now only more convinced not to mess with my Treo by adding on a 3rd party PIM. I really like the simple and clean design of the Palm interface. What a great device.

by Rudy | Mar 18, 2005 5:17:10 AM

Funny how you left out DateBk5 after just one shot at it. It beats all the other calendar replacements hands down. 4 out of 6 of your Calendar Heaven wishilists (speed, zero stylus, customizable views, set time via keyboard) are easily fulfilled by DateBk5. An app which has won year after year of awards surely deserves more respect than what you have shown. You complain that it is too complicated... well, that's power for you. Take time to learn its features and you won't be disappointed.

by Cloudless | Mar 18, 2005 7:01:32 AM

I also like the Treo built-in calendar the most. The interface in Agendus is too cluttered and not easy to use with direction pad. I would love to see the comparison of Datebk5 included too, because it seem very similar to the built-in calendar, yet with more features.

by olac | Mar 18, 2005 7:43:09 AM

Heaven exist, heaven is DateBk5 !!!

by dstrauss | Mar 18, 2005 9:04:57 AM

You really need to try DateBk5 more thoroughly. The learning curve is a little steep, but it is head and shoulders above all the rest (I've tried them all). Integration with the Treo 650 dpad and controls is excellent - it is the most flexible system out there. You're doing your readers a big disservice by being dismissive. Year after year, on all Palm OS devices, DateBk5 wins all head to head comparisons hands down (at least until now on Treonauts).

by Knocka | Mar 23, 2005 7:02:05 AM

In my view, one of the most important features is the ability to synch wirelessly, using ActiveSynch. Only the Palm app can do this. This is critical because my secretary adds appointments to my calendar and if I am out of the office and look at it, I need to know it is up to date. I like the look and feel and features of KS much better, but it will not synch with Active Synch.

by RAshford | Jun 16, 2005 2:35:11 PM

I agree that Datebk5 should have received a fair review. I have used Datebk for years (since version 3), and I believe it is hands down the best out there. (Although it does lack a "Today" view). I don't understand why it is so important that this software have all PIM components... why not use the BEST software for EACH application?? I feel like I am doing just that -- I use Datebk5 for my calendar stuff, and I use Tealphone for my contacts. Tealphone is head and shoulders above any other Contacts program. Both Datebk5 and Tealphone use the native Palm databases for events/todos/contacts, so there is no problem with using ActiveSynch for wireless hotsyncs.

by DG | Jan 18, 2007 4:04:34 PM

This may sound trite, but it really bugs me that Palm's calendar does not automatically deactivate alarms for one-time events after the date has passed.

Why would I need an alarm on an event that has happened and is not going to happen again?

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