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Treo PIM Heaven or Hell?

It is a fact that for many Treonauts the 'right' Personal Information Management (PIM) application will mean the difference between 'organisation heaven' and 'organisation hell' and choosing the right application for the job can prove to be (it's certainly been in my case) a bit of a daunting job.

I spent the weekend preparing a review of the major PIM applications for the Treo but wanted to take your views on the subject before posting it.  The short survey below is intended to shed some light as to how you go about using your choice of PIM application every day as well as to gather your thoughts about what makes a good or bad one.

Treo 650 PIM Applications
1. Which PIM application do you use on your Treo?

Beyond Contacts
Built-In PalmOS

2. If you selected 'Other' above, please specify:

3. Is MS Outlook the primary PIM application on your PC?


4. If you selected 'No' above, please specify the PIM application on your PC:

5. If MS Outlook is the primary PIM application on your PC, how many 'Contacts' folders do you have?

2 - 5
6 - 10
More than 10

6. If MS Outlook is the primary PIM application on your PC, how many 'Tasks' folders do you have?

2 - 5
6 - 10
More than 10

7. Do you typically enter most of your new 'Calendar' (meetings/appointments) data directly on your Treo?

Yes (Mostly Treo)
No (Mostly PC)
Both (50/50 Treo & PC)

8. Do you typically enter most of your new 'Contacts' data directly on your Treo?

Yes (Mostly Treo)
No (Mostly PC)
Both (50/50 Treo & PC)

9. Do you typically enter most of your new 'Tasks' data directly on your Treo?

Yes (Mostly Treo)
No (Mostly PC)
Both (50/50 Treo & PC)

10. Do you typically enter most of your new 'Notes/Memo' data directly on your Treo?

Yes (Mostly Treo)
No (Mostly PC)
Both (50/50 Treo & PC)

11. How satisfied are you with the your choice of PIM application on your Treo?

Agendus: I love it! KeySuite: It's OK.
Agendus: It's great. KeySuite: It's terrible.
Agendus: It's OK. Built-In PalmOS: I love it!
Agendus: It's terrible. Built-In PalmOS: It's great.
Beyond Contacts: I love it! Built-In PalmOS: It's OK.
Beyond Contacts: It's great. Built-In PalmOS: It's terrible.
Beyond Contacts: It's OK. Other: I love it!
Beyond Contacts: It's terrible. Other: It's great.
KeySuite: I love it! Other: It's OK.
KeySuite: It's great. Other: It's terrible.

12. Your pros and cons, comments, thoughts and questions about the PIM application that you currently use (please specify):

Click Here to View Current Results

Treonauts are looking to be perfectly organised...

Posted by Andrew on March 14, 2005 at 11:12 AM

Treo Software | PIM

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