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Now Official: Verizon Treo 650 Available Soon!!!

Finally, there's official news from Verizon Wireless that the Treo 650 will soon become available on their network via a dedicated webpage (image below) with a link from the company's website.

Verizon's dedicated page for its forthcoming version of the Treo 650 states that:

The latest Smartphone from PalmOne - the Treo 650 will soon be certified on the Verizon Wireless network.
The Treo 650 has all the great features you’d want in a Smartphone – and more! It comes loaded with Wireless Sync so you can send and receive email directly from your Smartphone and even synchronize your email with most POP3 and IMAP email accounts when you subscribe to a PDA/Smartphone plan.

Additionally, in the current class-action prone environment, there's a bit of a 'disclaimer' about the Bluetooth functionality that Verizon Treonauts will be able to expect:

*Disclaimer: The Treo 650 supports the following Bluetooth Profiles: wireless headset, hands-free accessories, file transfer and synchronization with compatible PC’s. It does not support all profiles, for object exchange (Obex).

Basically, again don't expect to see Dial Up Networking (DUN) enabled on this Treo...  However, as previously posted, there is a simple workaround for this using the PDANet software.

Still, considering the number of emails that I have received asking me when Verizon's Treo 650 would be released, there will undoubtedly be a great many Treonauts who will be delighted to hear that they won't have to wait much longer.

According to our sources we should expect availability of Verizon's Treo 650 by mid-April and I'll keep you posted with any developments.

If, however, Verizon is not your preferred carrier then you can currently choose from the Unlocked GSM, Cingular GSM or Sprint CDMA versions of the Treo 650.

UPDATE: Although there is no mention of EV-DO, there are strong indications that Verizon's Treo 650 will indeed have support for it (then again maybe not...).

UPDATE2: Newer rumours lean towards a mid to end of April release...

UPDATE3: Verizon’s Treo 650 is finally available to purchase directly from palmOne and for those upgrading from another Treo smartphone they have a special offer for a free Bluetooth headset (see links below).

Verizon Treo 650 [palmOne Store]
Verizon Treo 650 Upgrade Offer [palmOne Store]

Verizon Treo 650 Info Page [Verizon Wireless]
Easy DUN & BT DUN for Sprint & Cingular Treo 650 [Treonauts]
Verizon Wireless Sync Info [Verizon Wireless]

[Thanks jschmitz]

Treonauts would like all carriers to join the revolution...

Posted by Andrew on April 4, 2005 at 09:37 AM

Wireless Carriers

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by Rebecca | Apr 4, 2005 2:02:29 PM

I have been waiting for Verizon to offer the Treo 650!! Will it be possible to pre-order this phone? When is "soon"?

by Jonathan Greene | Apr 4, 2005 2:37:00 PM

I was under the impression that the radio in the 650 was only 1XRTT capable not EV-DO. 2.5 vs 3G...

by Fernando | Apr 4, 2005 3:09:01 PM

TREO650 vs HTC's IMate SP3 (or Audiovox SMT 5600, Orange SPV C500, Qtek 8010).

I've owned an SP3 for quite some time now and I really enjoy its size and simplicity. It is not as versatile as the TREO650 but until the TREO slims down and includes WiFi I will wait.

Has anybody out there seen a throrough review comparing these 2 devices?

by Andrew | Apr 4, 2005 7:54:05 PM


Sorry but there is simply _no point_ of comparison whatsoever between the iMate SP3 and the Treo 650 - the Treo is the leading smartphone while the SP3 is a nice 'feature' phone but no more.

Cheers, A.

by Grace Lee | Apr 5, 2005 10:37:00 AM

Rebecca, MyTreo.net (http://www.mytreo.net) is taking preorders for the Verizon Treo 650.

by Seth | Apr 5, 2005 11:58:24 AM

Did not know how else to pass on this tip, but I called Customer Support at T-Mobile yesterday and was told by the woman I was speaking with that she had received an internal memo that they will be carrying the Treo 650. There is no date yet on when it will occur and no pricing, but I thought if anyone could root out the facts- TREONAUTS can!

by knowsforsure | Apr 6, 2005 2:07:40 AM

I know for certain that it will be 1xRTT and not allow DUN at launch.

by Jack | Apr 7, 2005 9:44:12 AM

Got an email from Verizon Wireless Data services. The treo 650 will not be EV-DO capable:

" Thank you for contacting the Verizon Wireless website. We are happy to assist you with your Treo 650 question.
This device has the same features with regards to the Treo 600. The only exception is that the Treo 650 is Bluetooth capable. This device will not be provide EVDO connectivity. Verizon Wireless has not yet released an official release date for this device."

by Steve | Apr 9, 2005 1:40:30 PM

Talked to my VZW representative today, he told me; "based on past release dates I doubt that Verizon would make an "official" announcement that they will be carrying the 650 unless they knew it was going to be in the coming weeks. I would expect to see the 650 in verizon store's by the last week of april or the first week of may at the latest."

by Ken | Apr 11, 2005 5:01:34 PM

I currently have a Verizon Treo 600. I would like to replace it and my Air Card from Verizon that I use to wirelessly connect to the internet via Verizon's data network on my laptop, provided the 650 BT feature will allow it to work in place of the Air Card in my laptop. Does anyone know if this will be possible? Thanks.

by Andrew | Apr 11, 2005 5:53:27 PM


You won't have dial-up networking via cable or BT enabled on the Verizon Treo 650.

However there is a simple solution called PDANet by June Fabrics (http://junefabrics.com/palmnet) which will allow you to enable DUN for your needs.

Cheers, A.

by jim | Apr 11, 2005 9:25:13 PM

will the VZ 650 be a "world phone" model. Their CS said ne but i have seen other reports to the contrary. JW

by mosely | Apr 15, 2005 8:52:57 PM

Will the serial port bluetooth profile work on the verizon 650 so that I can use a bluetooth gps unit?

by Trevor Duke | Apr 18, 2005 2:14:26 PM

I am moving somewhere where i do not get a sprint pcs signal. This means my treo is a mere phone without email, web access, and evev text messaging. can i unlock it to switch to verizon? I'm sure sprint will not tell me how to do this...
Thanks, I'm desperate

by Brad | Apr 19, 2005 5:43:01 PM

On the Treo 650 for Verizon countdown to the right, I noticed that the ETA says April 20th - what is the source for this information? I really want to buy the Treo 650 for Verizon.... Does anyway have a completely verifiable source for this?

by Andrew | Apr 19, 2005 6:18:56 PM


We're 'hopeful' but there few additional hints about this much anticipated release... we'll just have to cross our fingers that tomorrow is indeed 'V650' day... At best we'll strike lucky and at worst we'll be off by a couple of weeks...

Sorry that we can't be more precise - only Verizon can be 'completely verifiable' and right now they're saying zip.

Cheers, A.

by seattlecris | Apr 19, 2005 6:57:08 PM

I purchased (pre ordered I guess) a Treo 650 on the mytreo.net website on April 4th and it still hasn't been received. At that time I also signed up for new Verizon service and they don't have me listed yet. I was hoping for the ship date to be today or tomorrow but rumors are flying like mad about as late as May and as early as this afternoon AND, of course, no one to call at mytreo nor any return on a follow up email. I think that when I bought it they said they would offer me an out before shipping and I haven't seen that yet either.

by Ashe | Apr 20, 2005 12:22:37 PM

Okay, it's 12:20 on "T-Day" and still no love! What are they waiting for?

by Eric | Apr 20, 2005 12:36:30 PM

Ok, I just spoke to a verizon sales consultant and he told me a few things. First, Palm will tell them 2 weeks before the are going to release the 650. Second, the phone is in its first of "3" segments. Each segment takes about one month. And last but not least my favorite bit of news...The Verizon Treo 650 has been in the first segment of testing (networking) since November of 2004. Does anyone see this as upsetting? I do. I am thinking about getting off the Verizon network do to the fact that they are always the last one to produce. Why is it that they have such a problem testing? They also like to "restrict" the bluetooth capabilites so that you only have one choice for use, mainly a headset. What do you guys think about all this?

by jack | Apr 20, 2005 1:01:31 PM

wrong on availability date!!!! I think it was just to get more hits on this site!

by Eric | Apr 21, 2005 12:34:33 PM

Can someone explain why the counter is now at 10 days, is this for real??? Andrew you know your playing with our emotions right, everytime you up the date we get all crazy and then let down once the timer runs out. Please tell us why the time is at 10 days. Thanks!

by corinna | Apr 25, 2005 3:29:25 PM

Heard from local Verizon he heard June release - Argh!

by greg | Apr 26, 2005 5:29:25 PM

yeah... the verizon stores i went to said its still in testing... or they said it was a sprint only product.. or that they will not be getting it.. but i told them it was on their website... and they had no idea what i was talkin bout... verizon is crap

by treo not | Apr 27, 2005 8:26:11 AM

Verizon store said in a couple of weeks or so they would release to only those with 15+ lines first and then eventually to others. Don't expect it to be available to little old me for months.

by Mark | Apr 27, 2005 1:30:21 PM

>>>They also like to "restrict" the bluetooth capabilites so that you only have one choice for use, mainly a headset. What do you guys think about all this?

TOTALLY AGREE. However, Verizon service is without a doubt the best service in the Manhattan area, so I must compromise this for their lack of phone selection and technology. It is very upsetting.

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