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Soon a Treo 650 Cobalt?

I don't know about you but I feel that in recent months there's been a palpable increased buzz and momentum building around all things relating to our Treo (or perhaps it's just me getting overly zealous).  

The latest comes in the form of a screenshot of PalmOS Cobalt running on our Treo.  Whether this is indeed a real palmOne test model or the work of an enterprising hacker who was looking for a minute of fun is impossible to say but at least we have something to look forward to - the day when we have an even better PalmOS on our Treo.

Cobalt Running on a Treo 650 [PalmAddicts]

Treonauts want to hold the future in their hands...

Posted by Andrew on April 15, 2005 at 09:30 PM

Treo 650

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» Whats wrong with the Treo 650 from Stodge
My Treo 650 is an odd device; it combines one of the best interfaces of any mobile device with strong multimedia and is not a bad phone. On the other hand, it has many obvious omissions and deficiencies; It is as if device was designed by a genius, and... [Read More]

Tracked on Jun 7, 2005 6:08:39 PM


by Jonathan Greene | Apr 15, 2005 11:51:37 PM

Now that would rock!

by Permanent4 | Apr 16, 2005 12:46:49 AM

It's a fake. Someone took a 320x320 screenshot of a Cobalt emulator and plugged it into a picture viewer of some sort. Someone did a similar trick a few months ago with the Archos Gmini 400 to make it look like it was running a Sega emulator.

The Treo 650 isn't getting Cobalt any time soon, people. If anything, palmOne will save Cobalt for the next Treo -- and maybe not even then. Garnet was supposed to be the smartphone OS, right?

by Balazs | Apr 16, 2005 12:28:55 PM

It's a fake. Come on, "Shortcuts" in the Preferences of a Treo? There's not even Graffiti on it.

by Felipe | Apr 16, 2005 8:27:23 PM

u can still use the pre-defined shortcuts on the 650.

by Balazs | Apr 17, 2005 5:31:25 AM

I double checked it and haven't seen this in the prefs of my own 650. I still believe it's a fake although I'd love to see Cobalt on the Treo 650.

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