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Verizon Treo 650: Finally Available & Shipping Online


Verizon Wireless has at last and as promised finally made the Treo 650 available on its consumer website.

As you will undoubtedly already know by now, Verizon’s Treo 650 is offered at $400 with a 2 year contract and $450 with a 1 year contract.  Additionally, although some people consider this carrier + smartphone combination to be the best of all available, the fact is that Verizon’s unlimited data plan priced at $45 is the most expensive one particularly as it does not support high-speed EVDO connectivity.

Meanwhile, palmOne has begun shipping Verizon’s Treo 650 as well but with the added benefit that those people upgrading from any previous palmOne device and ordering it via their online store between now and June 6 will also receive a free Bluetooth Wireless Headset valued at $79.99 (one that I happen to consider to be the best in its class).

UPDATE: Please note that as of today you can also purchase your Treo 650 phone directly at the Treonauts Smartphone & Accessories store for only $329 (with a two year contract and after a $50 mail-in rebate).

Verizon Treo 650 [Verizon Wireless Store]
Verizon Treo 650 [palmOne Store]
Verizon Treo 650 Free BT Headset Upgrade Offer [palmOne Store]

Read all previous Verizon Wireless posts and comments [Treonauts]

Treonauts like to see all carriers supporting themTreonautstar4

Posted by Andrew on May 23, 2005 at 09:31 AM

Wireless Carriers

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by Kevin | May 23, 2005 2:52:50 PM

Yes, I got that e-mail as well, and was extremely excited. So, I rushed to the palmOne site to check my order, and...it still just says "Order Received."

So, what then? Are they shipping them or not? If they are, it should at least be on the next step, such as "Authorizing Credit Card" or something.

To anyone who ordered from palmOne: what is your status?

by Shi | May 23, 2005 3:53:13 PM

I am in the same boat. I put my order in on the palmone site on the 18th and it still says, "order received."

I have checked it twice already today. I hate waiting.


by Chris | May 23, 2005 4:07:40 PM

Could Verizon add EVDO support later with a firmware patch? Or does EVDO require different radio hardware?

I'm still bummed the data plan is so expensive. My employer has a relationship with Verizon so I get a discount. Unfortunately, the "discounted" price is $389 instead of $399 with a two-year plan.

by Kevin | May 23, 2005 4:21:07 PM

HAHA! A $10 discount. That's rich!

Anyway, heard that palmOne will ship tomorrow, and they'll arrive at people's doorsteps on the 25th. But I'm going to continue to check my status.

by Steve | May 23, 2005 8:50:50 PM

I did get a order confirmation email today stating order processing. When I check that code, it states that order will be shipping w/in 24 hours, meaning 05/24/2005.

Looks like overnight shipping is applied to my order although I don't recall paying for that. We'll see...

by Kevin | May 23, 2005 9:14:27 PM

Overnight shipping was free. So is that headset. PalmOne is awesome, huh?

And I got the processing e-mail as soon as I ordered, which was over a week ago. As of now, though, my status is still Order Received. Grrrrr...

I'll just have to wait. Although, I'm leaving for Spain tomorrow, so I'll probably have to wait to play with the phone until I come back. The release date gods were not with me in this one.

by Shi | May 24, 2005 8:08:56 AM

I spoke to PalmOne Customer Service this morning and they told me it would be 1 to 2 weeks from today (5/23) before the 650 are shipped out.

Have I said that I hate waiting.


by Kevin | May 24, 2005 10:21:33 AM

WHAT!? Hopefully, the person you spoke to was an idiot. Andrew said that P1 is shipping now, and I just got an e-mail saying that they're seconds away from loading them onto a truck, so I hope that carries more weight than some loser behind a desk in customer service.

by Steve | May 24, 2005 11:51:51 AM

I Just got my shipping confirmation from P1!!! My VZW T650 is shipping Fedex Standard Overnight!!! What a momentous day tomorrow will be...

by Shi | May 24, 2005 4:36:57 PM


When did you order from P1? How long was your total wait?

Thanks in advance,

by Shi | May 24, 2005 6:49:43 PM

Well, P1 told me on the phone I could expect my 650 in 1 to 2 weeks. 15 minutes later, literally, they updated my order status to shipped. It's irritating, but I will have my treo tomorrow.


by Paul | May 25, 2005 12:16:46 AM

I just received a 650 from VZ in the mail and the user's guide indicates that it is available with and without a camera. I'd like to use the 15 day return policy to swap out for a no camera model to avoid hassles with being allowed to enter business premises with my phone.

1) Has anyone obtained a Treo 650 WITHOUT the camera for Verizon?

I don't see it at Palmone or Verizonwireless.com. I just talked to 611 and they say that it the 650 is not available without camera, that I'd have to settle for a 600 if I want no camera.

2) Also, I'm in California and they claim at VZ that the cost of$399 WITH the NE2 discount is the best that I can do, does this sound right?

Even though I am out of contract, it doesn't seem to be possible to order from Palmone to get the free headset deal.

3) Have any existing VZ customers bought through P1 for the cheaper "new contract" price and kept their existing number.

4) Has anyone figured out how to elegantly disable the camera on the 650 without voiding warranty or damaging the rest of the phone?


by dafttreo | May 25, 2005 9:12:28 AM

Anyone have thoughts on the best/cheapest way to upgrade from the Verizon Treo 600 to the Verizon 650?

by Shi | May 25, 2005 9:07:05 PM

I got it, I got it, I got it.




by TheLuggage | May 28, 2005 1:00:14 AM

I just got my 650. I thought it was supposed to come with DocumentsToGo. I didn't get a copy of it, though. Is everyone else in the same boat? Is it on the CD in some hidden place?

by Shi | May 28, 2005 12:41:25 PM

You have to register and use the new palm desktop software in the box. Once you have registered your palm, you will have the chance to download DocumentsToGo free.


by JDK | Jun 23, 2005 5:28:09 PM

I'm interested in a Verizon Treo 650 WITHOUT camera also. ANyone have info on this?

by Doug | Jul 21, 2005 12:48:52 PM

Hi - I bought a Verizon 650, and like others, upset not on EVDO network - however, have recently seen ads for Verizon 650 WITH EDVO from 3rd party sellers (younevercall, etc)...Tried to contact Verizon and they said the phones are not EVDO capable, and they dont have them - anyone have any explinations?????

by BMC | Jul 23, 2005 12:55:14 AM

Does ANYBODY have any idea when the non camera version of the 650 be available thru Verizon????????????????????????

by Debora | Oct 13, 2005 4:04:44 PM

Verizon just shipped us our first non camera phones.

by Chaim | Jul 16, 2006 12:49:46 PM

I just ordered a 650 W/O camera, having received a great deal from Sprint. I haven't received it yet, but when I do I will gladly post my opinion. I have been searching the web for info about this version of the 650 with not much to show for it. Weird.

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