Hotel Room Key Companion
As I mentioned the other day, I’ve just arrived in Zaragoza, Spain, for the Innovate!Europe conference which is packed with some 400 – mainly technology related – folks from across the four corners of the globe. Coincidentally, I met two Treonauts within half an hour of my arrival.
As we were taking the elevator to our rooms I hesitated for a moment trying to remember which floor I was on. They laughed and mentioned that it happens to them all the time but that they were lucky on this occasion because their room number happened to be the same as their area code back home in the US and so would not likely forget it…
As they said this, I told them about a presentation that I had seen where someone had found a somewhat amusing use for the built-in Treo camera which was perfect for the occasion – just snap a picture of your room number as you arrive…
Treonauts carry everything they need in one device…
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» First practical use for phone cameras from - The GadgetGuy
Although I do have a Nokia 6230i with a 1.3 Megapixel camera, I have been very hesitant to use it - I still think the pictures suck.
But here's a real use for the camera: take a picture of your hotel room door. [Read More]
Tracked on Jun 14, 2005 11:23:03 AM
It's also a great way to remember where you've parked your car in parking buildings/decks.
The tactic often keeps me from re-enacting the infamous Seinfeld episode.
What a great idea. I've been writing the room number down in my memo area, but this is even better.
I do that for my parking space when I go to the airport. When I park in the morning on the way to work, I just jot down F6R in the calendar (for floor 6, ramp) or something similar. It's quicker than a photo, actually.
Great idea...At the treo roadshows last fall this is one of the applications they bragged about using the camera for.
As always...thanks for the great site!!
Writing this from my hotel room on the Treo. I just enter my room number as the label of a 'Speed Dial' button in the phone app. Quick and the number is just one down-press away.
I just returned from an IT Security conference in Washington DC. Though, I've been to DC a few times, I wanted some key information in a single interface. I pre-loaded my Treo with a bunch of stuff. I loaded my flight information and frequent flyer information. I loaded my hotel reservations and rewards information. I loaded city maps from Mapquest and the Metro maps from their website. I loaded a LONG list of restaurants and activities with phone numbers, addresses, and even some available photos. I loaded the conference schedule. I entered my expenses as I had them. While in the sessions I sent updates to colleagues back home and even received back a couple of questions via SMS for the speaker before the session ended. And, of course, I took a ton of pictures everywhere I went. Yep. The Treo 650 is exactly what I was waiting for.
New use for Treo 600.
Take close pictures of target in shooting range. Treo adds date and serial number, add gun model and distance (AR 15 - 22 yards). Your best shots now go to posterity.
One inch grouping of 5 shots at 22 yards ... whoa, I gotta send this to Sam ...
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