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Spreading the Treonauts Lifestyle Message

Without a doubt, one of the single most rewarding moments of running this blog comes when I receive a note from a Treonaut telling me that he/she decided to buy a Treo as a direct result of their visit here or that one of the posts has completely changed the way they experience their Treo.

Here are but a few quotes from emails that I received recently:

“After visiting your site almost every day, drooling incessantly, and calling T-Mobile once a week, I finally said "to Hell" with it, and jumped to Verizon when they released the Treo 650.  I'm happy as can be!”

“You have catapulted the Treo from one of my favorite gadgets to the ONLY gadget.”

“I've been following the Treonauts blog for the last 6 months, even before I jumped ship and finally bought one...Just wanted to say keep up the great work and you've been successful in making this Treonaut happy to have made the jump.”

I spent a good part of the day yesterday thinking about this and wondering what each of you might be doing today or have done in the past to help spread the Treonauts lifestyle message and how many of your friends, family or colleagues you may have ‘converted’ to it.  Let’s see…

Spreading the Treonauts Message
1. How many people do you believe you have 'converted' to the Treonauts lifestyle?

Over 20
Over 100

2. How did you convert them? (Select all that apply)

Via email - I told them how cool my Treo was
Via email - I pointed them to Treonauts.com
In person - I ran them through a full demo
In person - I couldn't stop raving about it
I gave them the gift of Treo
Other (please add below)

3. How did you convert them? [Other]

4. What would you invent to convert more people to the Treonauts lifestyle?

Click Here to View Current Results
Treonauts are always in a raving mood

Posted by Andrew on June 10, 2005 at 10:00 AM

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by Roger | Jun 10, 2005 10:30:39 AM

I think that's the one thing that Treo, and Palm as well, has taught me. If your bank or phone company doesn't have the tech you want, SWITCH!

After all, one annoying call to customer service will show they have no loyalty or love for you!

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