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Treo 700 Teaser

The image of this purported Treo 700 is evidently nothing more than a fake.  However, it does nonetheless remain one of the best Photoshopped images that I’ve come across of what our Treo would look like without its antenna (the new Palm logo on it is a little bonus).

I would similarly skip the part that reads that this future Treo 700 will be running Windows Mobile 5.0 (even though these rumours just won’t fade).  The listed built-in WiFi, BT 1.2, FM Radio, GPS and 2MP camera with flash however would certainly get my juices flowing… add to that a slightly faster processor and 64MB or 128MB of memory and I’ll truly be in heaven early next year.

Treo 700 with WM5- Fact or Fiction? [Smartphone Dubai]

Treonauts are dreaming about their next baby

Posted by Andrew on July 29, 2005 at 06:57 AM

Treo Zen Preview

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by Antoine | Jul 29, 2005 9:47:02 AM

Looks nice; but would think that Palm would keep the antenna (half the current size), RAM would equal the T5 (Flash too), and maybe wifi in some version. I dont know that they would make it much faster, seeing that they would want to keep battery life nice. ANd if this would come out, I'd be on it.

A WinMob Treo would sell like crazy. I just wouldnt be one who buys one.

by Chris Scott | Jul 29, 2005 10:07:51 AM

Personally, I think they should keep the antenna. I can spot a Treo from across the room just by looking for that. Otherwise, it just looks like another (inferior) smart phone.

by Pete | Jul 29, 2005 12:21:14 PM

No antenna but there is an antenna shadow! Maybe the antenna is invisible. Just a thought.

by Mojo | Jul 29, 2005 2:15:16 PM

Is it just me or does the unit pictured look thinner than the current Treo? I agree with the fact that it's most likely a Photoshopped fake, but the thinness is interesting since it doesn't appear altered in that respect (i.e. - with Photoshop).

I have high hopes for the next Treo. I don't currently own one and will NOT buy the current one since for me it's a total waste without wi-fi. Also, if they release it with Windows, I'll definitely pass. No Windows in our house, thank you very much.

by Cripple | Jul 31, 2005 4:45:05 AM

Obvious fake. They could at least spell Bluetooth correctly. The Palm logo is a bit fuzzy too. It would be a monumental mistake for Palm to use Windoze in any of their devices. It's not like Apple choosing Intel chips for the Macintosh. It'll be like Coca-cola getting Pepsi to make their drinks, and just rebranding it. Why do these rumours persist?

by Mojo | Jul 31, 2005 10:15:00 AM

Exactly Cripple! Using Windoze in ANY sense or regard is ALWAYS a mistake. ;-) I'm still stunned when I find that people actually use the operating system. Baffling.

I'm very interested in seeing where Palm goes with the new device and with their OS. I'm studying to be a doctor right now and Palm is everywhere in the medical community. So, I have high hopes that they'll continue to make good decisions.

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