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My Palm Treo Cradle Kit Arrives

Like me, many will call it “the rare Treo cradle” because it is so incredibly hard to find but at last – after waiting for months – I have finally received my own Palm Cradle Kit from our Treo accessories Store.

Considering that I’ve been happily using Seidio’s INNODock cradle until now, you might be wondering why I’m excited to have Palm’s cradle.  Well, the strange fact is that there isn’t a single other device out there that will allow you to charge a spare Treo battery (but it is rumoured that one will become available shortly).

It’s not that charging my spare battery is a major issue since most of the time it seems to last forever.  However, when I’m travelling I always like to have a fully charged one at hand because I’m likely not to have the time to plug my Treo anywhere for an entire day.

Having said all this, Palm’s Cradle Kit for Treo 650 does have a number of merits beyond just including a built-in battery charger.  It feels solid, has four large non-slip rubber feet at the base to secure it firmly on your desk, is well built and inserting the Treo in and out of it is very smooth.  Additionally, there are two elegant features with the battery charger hidden behind a flap and the base extending at the back to cover all cable connections. Also, a front light provides you with the battery charging status (green = fully charged) and next to it is the Hotsync button.

The cradle kit includes the standard USB sync cable, international travel adapters and a surprisingly large wall charger which is about 30% bigger than the one that comes with our Treo and which can also be plugged into the cradle if you prefer.

Palm’s Cradle Kit only comes with a wall charger and can therefore not be charged via USB.  However, a standard or retractable Sync&Charge cable (not those with a sync button though) can be used to transform the cradle from a wall to a USB powered one.

Overall this cradle is excellent and I just wish that I hadn’t had to wait so many moons for it…

Treonauts are always looking for the best gear

Posted by Andrew on August 5, 2005 at 03:37 PM

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by Brian | Aug 5, 2005 5:48:17 PM

I like my cradle a lot. I just wish they had passed through audio (especially to a standard headphone jack) but it's only a minor wish.

by JJR | Aug 5, 2005 6:03:09 PM

I got my cradle several months ago. The ability to charge a second battery is great, but I also jsut received the Seidio and infinitely prefer it.

For some reason, the treo wouldn't sync with the Palm cradle every time. When I hadn't synced it for a few hours, the cradle would not sync. However, when I attached the sync cable from the bottom of the cradle directly to the Treo, it sync'd fine, and then was fine in the cradle also. I know it's not just my cradle since my boss had the exact same issue.

by Lovebaby | Aug 6, 2005 5:22:45 AM

Good luck with your Palm Cradle. I'm on my third. The contacts on the cradle tend to become raised and no longer functional.

Also, why the trouble getting these? Compusa always has these in stock?

by Peter | Aug 6, 2005 4:27:02 PM

The cradle is good. It's stable and I like that it can charge a spare battery. But...
1) Removing the Treo from the cradle is a two handed operation. You have to hold the cradle down with one hand while lifting the Treo up with the other. I prefer the cradle connections used by Handspring.
2) I usually can't sync through the cradle!? Very annoying.

by Calroth | Aug 7, 2005 7:34:49 PM

Like others with this cradle, I've found that it doesn't often make connections... maybe some wires aren't hooked up properly, or something. It sounds like a common problem. I've found that tipping the Treo forward in the cradle, then letting it drop back, might help (no guarantees here).

by Tony | Aug 7, 2005 7:46:17 PM

It can't be used with *any* form of case or skin (at least that I tried before returning it...) There's no way I'm going to remove my Treo from the Krussel case every time I want to charge or sync.

So, for me (and pretty much anyone with a form-fitting full-time case), this cradle is useless.

by Miller | Aug 28, 2005 7:16:48 AM

I haven't had any of the problems that others seem to be experiencing. I agree that removal of the Treo from the dock is a two-handed operation. Inserting the Treo almost seems to be a two-hander as well. Maybe that's where folks are "damaging" the connection and running into sync problems. I definately prefer a cradle over free/loose plugs.

by Albert | Sep 24, 2005 10:06:07 AM

I have not been able to hot sync at all when in cradle. It's too bad, because I like the cradle otherwise, esp. the extra battery charger.

by Tenosce | Nov 25, 2006 11:03:05 PM

I've had exactly the same problem mentioned by several of the above posters. I'm on my 5th (yes, 5th) 650/750v cradle and inevitably, by the 2nd or 3rd week, the cradle starts working only intermittently - i.e I have to connect and disconnect the Treo into the cradle a number of times before it gets a reliable connection; no problems if I unplug the cable fromt the bottom of the cradle and connect directly to the Treo. Very annoying.

by Celeste | Sep 16, 2007 7:24:48 PM

Regarding my Treo 700p & the Palm Cradle... I purchased both in May... and I have had absolutely no problems hot syncing. My previous Palm Zire 72... taught me to carefully vertically place and remove the Palm from the Cradle. Any twisting... subjects tension to the connectors.

Now for my question... Does anyone know "for sure" if it is safe to keep the spare battery in the charging compartment 24/7... AND still be using the cradle as usual for the Treo 700p?

Thanks for your thoughts!

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