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New Treo Spare Battery Charger

After a long wait, there is finally a standalone spare battery charger for our Treo – Seidio’s INNOCharger.

Until now the only other options for charging a spare battery were either swapping the spare in the Treo (a painful process) or with Palm’s Cradle Kit.

Seidio’s INNOCharger (below) is ideal for those people who don’t have or don’t want to have a separate cradle but still need the convenience of a dedicated spare battery charger.  Alternatively, it is also the perfect companion for people who have purchased Seidio’s INNODock cradle and would now like to complement it with a battery charger.

Like the INNODock, the INNOCharger is powered via the USB port on your PC or a standard electrical outlet with a separate USB wall adapter or even in the car with a USB car adapter.

Additionally, I think it’s great to see that Seidio have decided to imbue this charger with a little character by designing this little accessory in the shape of a mouse instead of the standard ‘black box’ stuff that many other companies are putting out on the market.

The INNOCharger is now available in the Treonauts Shop and is estimated to begin shipping on Monday.

Treonauts work and play at full charge

Posted by Andrew on August 18, 2005 at 04:02 PM

Treo Accessories , Treo Battery Charger

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by A. Davis | Aug 18, 2005 4:12:18 PM

Maybe I'm missing something, but what does the stylus have to do with the battery charger?

Sounds like a great idea. If I didn't have the Palm cradle, I'd probably get one. :)

Oh, and FYI: my mobile portal site has moved to http://mobileoptimized.com from http://palm.nccomp.com. :)

by Andrew | Aug 18, 2005 4:22:44 PM

I'm still trying to figure out the stylus thing as well... maybe it's to stroke the mouse once in a while... ;-))

Changes to your mobile portal are duly noted... I'll send you the advertising bill later... ;-))

Cheers, A.

by A. Davis | Aug 18, 2005 4:31:31 PM

Advertising bill? But I don't even make any money on the site. There's no advertising on it... just links to the mobile optimized versions of other sites that are out there. In fact, I lose $25/month on it in hosting fees and another $10/year to renew the domain. And you want to send me an advertising bill??? Maybe you should send me a donation instead. :) Geesh...

by MikeyinCA | Aug 18, 2005 7:18:09 PM

This is the dumbest accessory I have ever seen. Anyone who wants a spare battery charger will just buy the Palm dock with it built in. Is it really that hard to change the battery to a spare and charge it that way? It takes 5 seconds to swap. I just tried it. Simplicity personified.
Silly waste of desktop space and yet another plug.

by Darkknight | Aug 18, 2005 11:15:09 PM

I have to ask this....... why do we need a stylus holder on a battery charger?? why not on the stand??.........hhhuuummm........ owell LOL, and to ans the Q about why buy this.... it's easyer for people to pack this on trips than a desktop stand, (note much smaller and thinner to pack) plus do you really want to pack your desktop stand then to have your stuff get lost on a plane??? battery charger cost $21.95, desktop stand cost $59.99, so tell me what would you pack??? LOL

by Cripple | Aug 18, 2005 11:52:18 PM

What would've been really useful is if it actually was a mouse as well. It uses the USB port to charge - so why not?

by CA | Aug 22, 2005 2:38:33 PM

I travel extensively. I assure you noone takes the desktop stand on a trip anymore than they will take this spare battery contraption. I use a usb sync/charger just like any other traveler would use. Simplicity wins always.

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