Testing Online Music Subscription Services
Link: Rihanna. 1. Pon de Replay - Rihanna (Requires Rhapsody)
This is a small test for a post about pTunes integration with online music subscription services such as Rhapsody, Yahoo! and Napster that will be online shortly...
I hope that you enjoy the music!
Treonauts are always testing stuff...
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(this is the strangest forum I have ever seen. No links to post a new thread, so here it is...)
I have an answering service that sends me an auto email with a link to the message where I can listen to the conversation with the operator. How can I listem to these on my Treo's?
Here is a sample of what is emailed to me:
why does treonauts shill so hard for ptunes? Just because its aq newer player doesnt make it a better one. I tried both it and aeroplayer and I found that areo payer has bot superior sound, a better file system, and the ability to play AAC instead of WMA which I find to be much more useful. There seems to be a "Ptunes is great" article like every week. What's the deal? do they own it or something??
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