Treo 670 Running Windows Mobile? It's for Real Now!!!
Lately it appears that one of the favourite hobbies is for some people to spend their time Photoshop’ing Windows Mobile screens on our Treo… even though this one looks pretty decent but conveniently cuts out most of the phone…
This latest one comes via Howard Forums but others have also appeared on PalmAddict and Gizmodo.
I have to admit that we haven’t been blessed much in the way of news about our forthcoming Treo yet but we should all remember that last year it wasn’t until August 25 that the first ‘real’ pictures came out… We’ll therefore have to wait and see what the end of this month holds in store for us…
Well, I’ll be damned, we didn’t have to wait until the end of the month after all…
Here are two separate videos [Thanks A. Davis] clearly showing Windows Mobile running on our Treo video1, video2 and video3 (you’ll need to have QuickTime installed to view).
Apparently this Treo 670 will have a 1.3MP camera and will be EVDO capable. Also, with the Verizon logo on it one might assume that this will be the first wireless carrier to release it – no ETA whatsoever though my guess would be a release end of Q4 and an official announcement at the end of Q3…
I did know that it was pretty certain that it was coming but it’s still shocking to see it so suddenly – I guess that I’m going to have to scratch up and dig my head to learn all about Windows Mobile now.
The above, previously released pictures of the Treo 670 are less than great but at least you can get an idea of the main design differences with our Treo 650 which is clearly that while the first is ‘square’ looking the second is ‘rounded’. Overall it’s amazing that they still haven’t been able to get rid of the antenna…
UPDATE 3: PLEASE NOTE that whatever happens in the end, this purported Treo 670 does NOT mean that Palm will stop or discontinue PalmOS based devices. Instead, the company will soon sell one set of devices running PalmOS and another running Windows Mobile. Also, in sharp contrast to others who would like PalmOS to ‘disappear’ I still believe that it has the potential to become one of the most ubiquitous operating systems for mobile devices.
UPDATE 4: A few more pictures of ‘Treo 670’ have been released and I wanted to have a side-by-side comparison with our Treo 650. However, there’s something odd about the size of the screen border on the Treo 670 that I would like to get to the bottom of…
With news like this I’m evidently curious to hear about what you think Treonauts.
In the meantime, I hope that you’ll all have a great weekend and to help you enjoy it a little more I’ve created a special 20% off coupon valid until Sunday, August 7 in the Software Store. Just enter the promotion code LOVETREO in your shopping cart.
Treo 670 (windows smartphone 2005) [Howard Forums]
ComeOn, At Least Put A Little Effort Into It [Gizmodo]
The basis for the Treo 700 [PalmAddict]
Another Future Treo 700? A real Treo 670? [Treonauts]
Another Round of 'Treo 670'... [Treonauts]
Pics and Video of Treo 670 [Treocentral Forum]

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» My next phone ? Might be a Treo 670... from Software Only
Whenever I meet with my friend Andrew Carton, thefounder of Treonauts, he tries to convince me to switch from my SMT 5600 to a Treo. After almost a year of using it, I like that phone and I *really* like Windows Mobile. Synchronizing emails and contact... [Read More]
Tracked on Aug 5, 2005 10:15:21 PM
» Treo 670 from Microsiervos
Los detalles son todavía escasos, pero parece que el nuevo Treo 670 tendrá una cámara de 1,3 megapíxeles, soportará EVDO… y correrá bajo Windows Mobile: Treo 670 Running Windows Mobile? It's for Real Now... [Read More]
Tracked on Aug 7, 2005 5:28:13 PM
» Treo 670 from Microsiervos
Los detalles son todavía escasos, pero parece que el nuevo Treo 670 tendrá una cámara de 1,3 megapíxeles, soportará EVDO… y correrá bajo Windows Mobile: Treo 670 Running Windows Mobile? It's for Real Now... [Read More]
Tracked on Aug 8, 2005 4:12:51 PM
» Treo 670: con Windows Mobile from
La nueva version de la Treo llamada 670 correrá Windows Mobile. Y ya queda un "rival" menos en la carrera por los smartphones parece.... [Read More]
Tracked on Aug 12, 2005 12:15:13 AM
» Treo 670: con Windows Mobile from
La nueva version de la Treo llamada 670 correrá Windows Mobile. Y ya queda un "rival" menos en la carrera por los smartphones parece. La terminal va a ser fabricada por HTC y esperan vender 420.000 Treos 6xx en el... [Read More]
Tracked on Aug 12, 2005 1:15:42 AM
3rd Video...
I'm completely clear, but it appears they have moved the audio jack to the top as well...
Oh, never mind... just re-watched the first video. The audio jack is still on the bottom.
Is it possible to make a dynamic screen capture on a windows mobile and play it as a full screen video on the treo ?
If yes that would surely be a good way to explain this...
don't all treo vid plays have a thin white border?
I know tcpmp does. This video has NO border :)
Gentlemen... I believe that we're now facing the reality that we _will_ see a future Treo running Windows Mobile... No hoax this time around...
Cheers, A.
I would be very disappointment if this phone replaces the 650. It is damn ugly. My personal opinion is that this is only a prototype. Palm might have been testing the OS on this prototype for a while, but they have not come up with their next design yet, or they have not finalized it yet. This design has been around for more than a year now, and it is hard to believe that they are going to use it as a predecessor to Treo.
One possibility.
It's not a treo, but a Verizone branded HTC unit. It has nothing to do with Plam inc. except being a total clone.
Microsoft is running on clone war. They are cloning everything, the p900, the nokia 9000 buttons, the sidekick.
if it was a generic htc unit it wouldn't have a treo logo.
Well, if Palm beats the HTC Apache to market, I'll check it out.But the early production problems of the Treo 600 and 650 models have made me wary of being the first kid on the block with a new Treo.I love my Treo600 but have had to replace it several times.
If this product ends up running Windows Mobile and that only, then farewell and adieu. I can't imagine anyone wanting that. Then again, I can't imagine that people actually use Windows as their operating system.
I think it is a video running on a Treo in full screen and we are yet buying another hoax. I remain skeptical until I see official announcements.
I think that this pictures have been available on the Internet and don't let them fool you. HTC has been very active in the past few weeks with releases of pictures of its handhelds. Well, about the Treo logo, people here in Thailand can even replace their Palm logo on, so why can't it be done somewhere else?
In addition, I'm one who don't like Windows Mobile. Maybe Palm should focus on Linux, or maybe Apple would come up with a mobile OS X. mmm...
Are the dimensions the same??Will it fit in my Vaja case??? They look pretty close??
Ok, this guy in vid3 sounded a little too happy about this being a windows device...makes me sick to think of all the money I've spent on palm software :\
OMG, if all futer Treo's will run on Windows Mobile, the 650 will be my last Treo.
Evolution for Data Optimized
You get downlink speeds up to 2.4mbps with rev 0 uplink is very limited.
Every time an app crashes on my 650 and the entire phone has to reboot as a result (often requiring me to restore a backup copy of my Saved Preferences file from an SD card) I get a little more interested in a Windows Mobile version.
Sadly, that means that I am already very, very interested.
I like PalmOS's look and feel better, but egad, it's like an OS from the 1970s. No memory protection, no OS-level multitasking which means apps have to resort to instability-prone hacks to do stuff in the background, and a goofball "filesystem" that requires us to copy apps from our big SD cards to a cramped ramdisk before we can execute them. To name a few things.
This is astounding. I wouldn't imagine Palm going for Windows Mobile. However, I don't believe this is a hoax.
Another possibility might be that HTC designed a WM Treo for Palm as some proof-of-concept. "Look guys, simply sign here and you're set!"
Will they sign?
BTW, it seems that screen definition is 240 x 240.
Running Windows Mobile on the new Treo would be horrible!
It would be like running windows xp on the latest Mac laptop. Or putting a Dodge engine in a Ferrari. I mean, not that windows xp or dodge engines are that bad or anything, but it's just not the same is it? The Palm brand would lose a lot of 'exclusive feel' for me. And what about the support from Palm? It seems as though they can just barely give support for their devices with one OS, what would happen with two?
From a buisness perspective it does not seem like a wise move either. Palm devices will become just like every other pocket pc but then with a lot less internal memory for your money! (And Windows mobile eats memory!) And somehow I don't think pocket pc hardware companies will be supporting the Palm OS from now on. So palm might gain a few more Treo 670 sales and lose a huge deal of the mobile OS market. And if that happens application developers will be less inclined to develop for Palm OS and we can all see where this road would end...
So... I don't see why the world needs a Palm with windows on it. We need improvements for the Palm OS! I'm hoping it's just some guy at HTC that managed to run windows mobile on a old/new prototype Treo platform....
As you can see from the photo of the inside battery compartment, the treo in the photos is a "DEVELPOMENT (DVT) SAMPLE" and Say "Not For.." Cant read the rest but could be "not for Release" Not for Public...(something).
In other words, this IS a development model like the ones shown in the roadshows and on the webinar, one of which, as I recall had square buttons. This MAY be the prototype of a new treo, or it may just be a one or few-of-a-kind development model that will never see the stores.
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