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Blackberry Connect Update

The rumour yesterday of a forthcoming BlackBerry 8700 (image right) got me thinking again about when RIM’s BB Connect software for our Treo will become available.  It’s been about a year now since I first saw a demo of it at PalmSource’s EuroDevCon and later at 3GSM where I was given the impression that it was ‘in final beta’.

Evidently it wasn’t in final beta then as there’s still nothing available commercially today.  However a well placed source has now told me that BB Connect is due to be released ‘sometime in November this year’ so we only have a few more months to wait.

However, considering that there are increasingly more push email solutions available for our Treo – many corporate users are already delighted with GoodLink for example – I wonder just how much of a big deal BB Connect will be.

Additionally, it’s worth remembering Palm CEO Ed Colligan’s statement at a press conference at PalmSource’s MobileSummit & DevCon in San Jose this year where he mentioned to our surprise that there was little interest from carriers for the present version of BB Connect on the Treo and that this was the primary reason why it had not yet been made available. 

As a side note, I don’t know if it’s just me but I sense that the general interest in Blackberry’s ‘phones’ is pretty low on the excitement scales these days so they should have every incentive to license their software on as many third party platforms as soon as possible...

The BlackBerry 8700? [Engadget]
MobileSummit & DevCon 2005 Day 2
Blackberry Connect Now in Final Beta
EuroDevCon – Day 1

Treonauts can connect a hundred different ways

Posted by Andrew on September 13, 2005 at 11:24 PM

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by Steve Packard | Sep 13, 2005 11:40:21 PM

My father has a Blackberry. I have a Treo. I told him to get a Treo, but for some reason he thought that the Blackberry is where it's at, probably becasue some people at his company use them.

The sound quality is horrible. It can't do half the stuff my Treo can. He's always looking at me when envy when I show him the latest piece of software I have.

Also it's way too wide. Very clunky. I've tried it a few times. It ain't no Treo. To it's credit, it does a good job with e-mail, but that's pretty much what it's good for.


by Tom | Sep 14, 2005 10:00:53 AM

Chatter provides push email, and it blows away the blackberry experience. I was provided a BB at my old job and I would up using my Treo instead because the BB's phone was awful, and I wanted features that only the Treo provided.

by Michael H | Sep 14, 2005 4:20:09 PM

Don't cpnfuse Blackberry Email with Chattermail. They are apples and oranges. Corporations use Blackberry's because they offer built-in perfect wireless syncronization with Microsoft Exchange.

by Jim | Sep 29, 2005 12:02:25 PM

Check out the latest press release from RIM... Connect with a Nokia 9300, but why not Treo???

by Jim | Sep 29, 2005 12:03:47 PM

Sorry, the link posted as an anchor on my name instead of displaying it...

by @ | Apr 9, 2011 4:34:10 PM


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