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Finally a Treo WiFi Solution!

At long last, I’m happy to say that the much and long awaited enfora WiFi Adapter for our Treo 650 and Treo 600 has finally been released after first having been announced back in January and promised for commercial release in March.

Leaving past delays aside, if you need to have the convenience of connecting your Treo to a WiFi network then enfora’s solution is currently the only one available.

As I had written previously, Enfora's solution – priced at $149.95 – comes in the shape of a lightweight add-on module which slides to the back of the Treo and connects to its serial port.  The module has its own built-in battery (providing 5 days standby and 24 hours typical usage) which has the advantage of not draining the power on our Treo and furthermore conveniently leaves the single SD slot available to access other programs, files and documents.

Available quantities have been extremely low and the first batch of enfora’s WiFi adapter have unfortunately already completely sold out (even I haven’t received mine yet).  However, a new batch should arrive shortly and these will be offered on a first come first served basis so you may want to pre-order yours now.

enfora WiFi Adapter for our Treo 650 and Treo 600 [Treonauts Shop]

Treonauts want to be able to connect everywhere

Posted by Andrew on September 5, 2005 at 04:23 PM

Treo Accessories , Treo WiFi

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» Por fin, WiFi para el Treo 650 from CanalPDA
Está visto que los usuarios somos unos caprichosos: cuando Palm tenía el Treo 600, nos quejábamos de la falta de Bluetooth; ahora que tiene el Treo 650, nos quejamos de la falta de WiFi. A falta de una solución oficial de Palm, un fabricante de accesorios lanza... [Read More]

Tracked on Sep 6, 2005 1:03:40 PM

» Finally a Treo WiFi Solution! from ぴだ
 145ドルでtreo用WiFiスレッドが予約中らしい。  色とロゴの変更希望。あと、Skypeがあったら速攻ゲットなんですがね。 http://blog.treonauts.com/2005/09/finally_a_treo_.html [Read More]

Tracked on Sep 7, 2005 8:03:45 PM


by s.elements | Sep 5, 2005 9:01:35 PM

Ehhh...$150!? No thanks.

by Fiona J. | Sep 5, 2005 9:30:13 PM

That thing looks huge, in a bad sorta way

by WiFi | Sep 5, 2005 10:48:00 PM

A Palmone wifi card is 99 bucks. And I bet most would pay 50 on top of that for a driver --- too bad that this is really weird looking.

by Mathias | Sep 6, 2005 7:41:33 AM

Ok, a simple question.

What would one do with a wi-fi card attached to their 650?

What would you do that you can not do already?


by Alex | Sep 6, 2005 9:54:44 AM


Having Wi-Fi on the 650 would allow you to more easily connect to your local network, and the data speeds would be faster.

by BenJoe | Sep 6, 2005 1:43:02 PM

I don't know guys, I think it is cool, but you get the wifi card for $50 cheaper and download the drivers from Treocentral.

I am going to think about it for awhile.

by btn | Sep 6, 2005 3:30:23 PM

Does it support WPA? (WEP is weak.) Also, am I reading correctly that it's only 802.11b? :p

by stipus | Sep 6, 2005 6:53:39 PM

802.11b only 11 Mb/s
However the Multiconnector USB transfer rate is limited (theorical 12Mb/s... more like 6 Mb/s practical). First users of the sled didn't report fast transfer rate at all....

Better than a Wifi SD card because:
- There is no wifi driver for the Treo 650
- Dedicated battery is better (35 mn wifi on a T3 before battery drain...)
- Access to SD card possible while surfing.


by Tim | Sep 7, 2005 1:31:56 PM

Looks like you will also have to invest in a new case/carrier- the Treo with sled attached will not fit in my Seidio holster. The cost keeps mounting....

by btn | Sep 12, 2005 10:12:11 PM

I understand that the 650 probably doesn't benefit from more than 6 Mb/s, but some of us are on more secure (e.g. WPA) 802.11g-only networks. :)

On a side note, the iPod nano has convinced me that Palm should be able to cut the size of the Treo in half. ;)

by MILE | Sep 15, 2005 8:52:21 AM

"On a side note, the iPod nano has convinced me that Palm should be able to cut the size of the Treo in half."

And stuff some 2-4 GB of Flash memory in it, while they're at it...!! ;)

by Jason | Nov 12, 2005 11:11:57 AM

i'd rather walk with an extra battery in my pocket for reserve power than that big thing just to get wifi. BTN is right, more memory would be nice. But the left hand washes the right hand and the right hand washes the left. Everybody is in bed with each other.

by Jason | Nov 12, 2005 11:15:32 AM

The day WE get wifi on our treo is the day the cell carriers DIE. Can you say SKYPE.. I can.. i was thinking about switching my service to t-mobile unlmt. sidekick net usage to try skype cause i'm tired of waiting for wifi drivers and that sled is rediculous

by Jonathan | Nov 16, 2005 11:32:11 AM

I have the enfora sled, but the additional software is another $80, does anyone know of a cheaper software which will work with the sled & a treo 600?

by Norman Aroni Ordoñez | Feb 19, 2007 2:15:36 PM

Hola como hago para comprar. vivo en Peru

by javier sanchez | Aug 16, 2007 8:30:11 PM

Srs I have a Treo 680 do you have any WIFI Card compatible ??

Javier Sanchez

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