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Treonauts Mobile Software Store Launch

For the last couple of months we’ve been working behind the scenes to offer you mobile access to the Treonauts Software Store.  I’m glad to announce that it’s finally ready to use.

We’ve implemented your Mobile Treonauts Software Store in two ways.  In the first instance, you can download a small 10k .prc file which acts as a bookmark to the store and automatically opens it in the Blazer browser when you click on it – the added benefit is that you get to have the Treonauts icon in your pocket .  In the second instance you can simply point the preferred browser on your Treo to msoft.treonauts.com and bookmark it there.

One of the key things that we’ve done with the mobile software store is ensure that you can easily trial any of the applications found in it by simply clicking the ‘Free Trial’ button.  For example, below I navigated to ‘Browse Categories’ then ‘Travel’ and finally I found an application called ‘Easy Tour’ which I hadn’t seen before so I clicked on ‘Free Trial’.  This then prompts you to either save directly to your Applications or to Card.

Once you confirm that you want to donwload the application it gets transferred via your wireless data connection and when this is complete finally prompts you to accept it into Applications.

In this case, the whole process took about 30 seconds after which I was able to begin my EasyTour trial (which in passing is one of the most graphically appealing applications that I have seen in a long time even though I have some issues with the program itself).


Naturally, you can also purchase any of the applications in the mobile software store directly from your Treo instead of just trial it and once past the three step shopping cart process all of the wireless download process is identical to the one that I described above for the free trials.

Whether you prefer to purchase your Treo applications online via the existing Treonauts Software Store or now while on the go via the Mobile Treonauts Software Store I have created two new 20% off coupons valid until Wednesday 19 to celebrate its launch.  Please use the promotion code MOBISOFT if buying online or MSOFT if buying via your Treo.  Have a great weekend!

Treonauts want all their digital lives to go mobile…

Posted by Andrew on October 16, 2005 at 02:14 PM

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by Al | Oct 16, 2005 11:36:28 PM


I just did a search on http://msoft.treonauts.com/ for Pocket Tunes and it couldn't find anything. I think it needs some work.


by Steffen | Oct 17, 2005 12:51:26 PM

Which app is it that causes the Apple like look and feel on the Treo?

by Tom | Oct 17, 2005 3:25:51 PM

I think currently only trials as .prc (not zips and exes) are available. Maybe some work to be done in getting OTA trials of as much as possible? Also, why not do a little browser detection so we don't have to remember 2 addresses for the shop?!

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