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November 2005

Below is a list of Treonauts news & review posts written in November 2005 in chronological order. Simply click the title of the excerpt to view the full post.

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Using Speed Dial for Low International Calls

I recently got a bit of a shock when I received my latest mobile phone bill with some astronomical charges related to some international phone calls for which I had been charged between $0.30 and $0.60 per minute… Not wanting...

November 30, 2005 | Comments (7) |


Treo Call, Sound & Memo Recordings with CallRec

For as long as I can remember a number of Treonauts have been looking for an application to easily record their conversations and I have finally come across one that works extremely well. CallRec ($19.99) is a small and extremely...

November 28, 2005 | Comments (13) |


Weekend Special: 20% Off Everything

To help you make the most of this Thanksgiving weekend and your beloved Treo I have created a 20% Off Coupon valid until Monday 28 November in the Treonauts Software Store so as to make it just that little bit...

November 26, 2005 | Comments (3) |


Treo 2006 Product Pipeline Update

Two weeks ago in my post “Treo Family: More Babies Due in 2006?” I provided information based on an analyst report about the forthcoming Treo 700w running Windows Mobile, Treo 700p running PalmOS as well as two new mysteriously codenamed...

November 25, 2005 | Comments (38) |


New Limited Edition Treo TripKit

When I wrote the post about my “Treo 650 Travel Gear Essentials” a few months ago (image below) some Treonauts pointed out that one thing missing was a travel pouch to keep all of the accessories neatly organised. I guess...

November 23, 2005 | Comments (8) |


New Treo 650 Cingular Updater 1.17

Yesterday Palm released its latest Updater 1.17 for Cingular’s Treo 650 which fixes some past issues as well as providing new performance enhancements. These include: Includes VersaMail 3.1c, the latest version for Cingular Wireless Treo 650, which includes an updated...

November 23, 2005 | Comments (30) |


Fully Powered Treo

It’s funny how I’ve never really stopped to count the number of applications installed on my Treo but PalmSource’s forthcoming Powered Up Awards made me stop to think about this and after navigating through eight screens I discovered that I...

November 22, 2005 | Comments (13) |


Treo 650 Achieves "Best in Class" Status

It’s not telling me anything that I didn’t already know but it’s nonetheless always nice to hear other people confirm that our Treo tops the smartphone league… Yesterday, Strategy Analytics, a global research and consulting company, released a report entitled...

November 18, 2005 | Comments (1) |


AlwaysOn with your Treo

In order to save battery life our Treo switches off automatically after either 30 seconds and up to 3 minutes (below left). In principle this is great but in a few situations such as when you’re using either a Wireless...

November 17, 2005 | Comments (6) |


Seidio's Retractable Sync & Charge Cables

Sometimes it’s easy to overlook the small and useful things because they seem so obvious. I thought about this earlier today as I glanced at my Seidio Retractable Sync & Charge cable and marveled at how useful – indispensable I...

November 16, 2005 | Comments (4) |



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