The Ideal Treo Accessories Bundle
I like the idea of Palm’s Treo TripKit bundle which I posted about before and it made me think about what kind of bundle would make my own ideal (or surreal) “super bundle” and how much it might cost because I had never actually thought to calculate it. In the end, the answer to this last question proved to be “quite a bit”…
The Treonauts Super Bundle is made for the power Treonaut who must have every single accessory for his/her Treo and does not mind paying what it takes to own the best of the best. In my view this would consist of:
- Palm Compact Wireless Headset
- Seidio’s Shield Holster
- Seidio’s Retractable 2in1 Stereo Headset
- SanDisk’s USB MobileMate SD+ Card Reader
- A 1GB SD Card
- A set of spare Pen Stylus
- Seidio’s Retractable Duo Sync & Charge Cable
- A Stereo Adapter
- A Cleaning Cloth
- Some Screen Protectors
- Palm’s Cradle Kit
- A Spare Battery
- Seidio’s Battery Charger
- Seidio’s INNODock Cradle
- A Travel Wall Charger
- A Sync & Charge Wall Adapter
- A Car Charger
- A Vehicle Mount
- Absolutely positively the TomTom GPS Navigator 5
- Enfora’s WiFi Adapter
- Palm’s Wireless Keyboard
- The Supertooth II Bluetooth Speakerphone
- An FM Transmitter
- An MC6 Magnesium Case
- mr Handsfree Genius Bluetooth Car Kit
- Now You Know Treo book
Grand total for my Treonauts Super Bundle: ‘only’ $1,356.70
I’m not sure how many Treonauts overall there might be in the world with this sort of gear in their arsenal (aside from me…) but if you feel that the above perfectly fits your needs and budget you can add the entire Treonauts Super Bundle to your shopping cart with one click. If it doesn’t then you can always mix and match to create your own perfect bundle in the Treonauts Shop…
Treonauts love their super bundles…
Posted by: TreoNut | November 24, 2005 at 03:32 AM!?
Anyway, yeah. I guess I'm not a "power user" then, even though I never go anywhere without my Treo and I use it for almost everything. Having that many accessories kinda detracts from the Treo's portability, doesn't it? Personally, I prefer my Treo to be naked. I only have a few accessories for mine; a USB charger, and 2-in-1 headset(the Palm one though, as the Seido one sucks), and a 1 gig SD card.
Posted by: s.elements | November 24, 2005 at 05:43 AM
TreoNut - did you just discover how many accessories were missing from your bundle? ;-)
s.elements - please note that in most instances one would not carry all of these accessories at all times. The essential ones are small and light while many more are deskbound or specific to the car or other particular occasions. The purpose of this super bundle is to have the right accessory for every possible occasion and need.
For example, as I've recently discovered and mentioned frequently, my experience having a handheld GPS solution on my Treo has been absolutely incredible and I can't imagine not having one ever again.
Part of the issue is that one can't know what one is missing if you haven't experienced it for yourself which is what I try to help Treonauts with through my reviews.
Cheers, A.
Posted by: Andrew | November 24, 2005 at 12:42 PM
Why so many chargers?!? looks like you have 4 or 5 different ones in your list, I lost count... :-)
Instead, why not something like Boxwave's Versacharger (100-220V AC, 12Vcar, airline charger, all-in-one) - combine it with the retractable USB sync/charge cable you already show and you have every charging source you need. I have one of these and it's great for travelling.
If you haven't reviewed them yet, you should check it out.
p.s. Treonauts is a great site!
Posted by: ab | November 25, 2005 at 05:59 AM
Even still...seems like more than I'd ever need.
And what's with all the weird comments lately?
Posted by: s.elements | November 26, 2005 at 02:34 AM
Considering this is supposed to be a power kit, why is the SD card only 1GB? If you are going to spend that much money, why not toss in a 2GB SD card? Seems like a silly oversite to me.
Posted by: Will Maitner | November 26, 2005 at 07:04 PM