Treo 700w: New Pics & Full User Manual
Thanks to an update of Palm’s Treo 700w documentation on the FCC’s website Treonauts anxious to learn more about this forthcoming Windows Mobile smartphone (which should become commercially available exclusively from Verizon beginning in February 2006) will be happy to see a few more pictures below of what both the inside and outside looks like.
As I posted earlier in “Treo 2006 Product Pipeline Update” it now appears almost certain that both the Treo 700w (Windows Mobile) and Treo 700p (PalmOS) will share exactly the same hardware design – a ‘squared’ version of the Treo 650.
Additionally, what I hadn’t really stopped to think about before is that both the Treo 700w and 700p will use the same Multi-connector cable (right) that we currently use on our Treo 650 which means that you’ll be able to reuse any of your existing accessories with either of these new smartphones.
Finally, the Treo 700w’s full User Manual has also become available to download in PDF and below are a couple of screenshots of the images and diagrams contained within. I rather like the idea of having a “Web Search field” on the main Today screen.
Most of the manual relates to software issues and there are unfortunately no additional technical specifications aside from a mention that the Bluetooth will be v1.2 instead of v1.1 currently found on our Treo 650. However, some Treonauts are already complaining because the manual states that “you cannot use a Bluetooth headset to listen to MP3 files on your smartphone” – a function which Windows Mobile 5 does not currently support.
Also, the manual repeatedly points to a website but this is not yet live on Palm’s servers…
[Thanks for the tip Mortimer]
Treonauts are always looking at the future…
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» Fotos de l'interior del Treo 700w from Weblog d'en Xavi Caballe
A la web de la FCC hi ha disponible un seguit de fotos de l'interior del Treo 700w i una còpia del manual d'usuari complet. [Read More]
Tracked on Dec 6, 2005 10:59:18 AM
Does anyone know when the 700W will be available through Sprint? Thanks for the help. Eddie
Most URLs given in the article is broken. Please review them and fix.
ANDREW: Do you prefer from what you know now, Windows Mobile 5 or Palm OS??
Borszczuk - thank you for letting me know. Fixed now.
Blake - I think that it's still too early to cast a judgement on this issue.
Eddie - I would reckon that Sprint may have the 700w in Aug/Sep 2006. Roughly six months after Verizon's exclusivity runs out.
Cheers, A.
FYI: I called Sprint today (12-5) and they confirmed that the Treo 700 will be out before Christmas this year. However, when asked if it would run Windows or Palm, they did not know and could not confirm what it would run, only that it will be out before Christmas. So, it's somewhat good news.
Okay. Actually, I just called Sprint back and received further information that the previous information I received was untrue. They have not heard anything about a new Treo 700 (w) or (p). So, oh well. Sorry Sprinters :(
Has anyone seen any information in regards to the data network which will be supported by the Verizon 700w? EV-DO support will make or break the deal for me as their current Treo650 model does not. This prompted me to go with Cingular's EDGE supported version.
Does anyone know if there is already such a "today" app for Palm OS with the "display caller-id pictures on today screen"?
Seems like a nice idea to me.
I consider myself a gadget-guy and 'early adopter' and yet, so far, I see no compelling reason to 'upgrade' to a 700p. From what I know about it, it's simply a cosmetically different (and only slightly at that) 650..
Does anyone know anything substantial that would make someone lust for the 700p?
So far, I do not.
Good question, Dan. Does anyone know any differences that the Treo 700p will offer that the Treo 650 doesn't?
Here are a few reasons that I will happily upgrade to the Treo 700p (I hope!):
- More memory (64MB)
- Bluetooth 1.2
- Better camera
- Faster processor
- High Speed Data Connectivity (3rd Generation Network)
- Better Radio
- Improved phone performance
- Updated OS
Cheers, A.
I currently do not have a bluetooth headset on my 650 but can you listent to mp3's over it? unlike the ms mobil 5.0?
peter - currently there is no solution that allows you to listen to your mp3's via a Bluetooth headset.
However, I am hoping to test a product in the coming weeks that might just work.
Cheers, A.
great... thats whats been holding me back from buying a bluetooth headset... though I am moving back home to Chicago and will definitely need to switch then.
I know you think it's too early to tell, but as of right now do you know who you would go with for the new new Treo 700p or 700w???
Without a doubt, I would go for the 700p. The amount of developer support and available software for the Palm just can't be matched by Windows Mobile.
Also, I still think that Palm's GUI is much better suited for a PDA.
Thanks, Will! I googled the def. I appreciate your help.
I'm so confused...
What happen to all of the materials from the camera post, etc?
I live in Singapore. Do you know when I could buy a 700w (after Jan 5 06!) that I can use in Singapore? I guess that means I would need an unlocked version right? Thanks.
Im as curious as eddie in regards to the 700 release for sprint. is it really until aug/sept 06? also if i purchase a 650, will i be able to trade it or upgrade it to the 700? thanks.
roughly how much will the treo 700p or w cost and will it be better than the ppc 6700
do u think this will support aol instant messenger because then it will be an easy buy im getting sick of the sidekick 2 and all its bugs if u kno please email me with ur info at [email protected]
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